NS LM3463四路高压LED驱动解决方案

最新更新时间:2011-06-10来源: 中电网关键字:四路高压  LED  驱动 手机看文章 扫描二维码

    NS 公司的LM3463是四路高压LED驱动器,LM3464输入电压为12V-80V,LM3464A输入电压为12V-95V,四路输出可单独电流稳压,通路间的精度高,数字PWM/模拟调光控制接口,动态静空控制最大化效率,主要用于街灯照明和固态照明解决方案。本文介绍了LM3464/64A 主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路图,LM3464 4路led驱动器评估板主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图。

    LED Driver with Dynamic Headroom Control and Thermal Control Interfaces

    The LM3464/64A is a 4-channEL high voltage current regulator that provides a simple solution for LED lighting applications. The LM3464/64A provides four individual currentregulator channels and works in conjunction with external Nchannel MOSFETs and sense resistors to give accurate driving current for every LED string. Additionally, the Dynamic Headroom Control (DHC) output can be interfaced to the external power supply to adjust the LED supply voltage to the lowest level that is adequate to maintain all the string currents in regulation, yielding the optimal overall efficiency.

    Digital PWM or analog voltage signals can be used to control the duty cycle of the all the channels. When analog control is used, the dimming frequency can be programmed via an external capacitor. A minimum duty cycle control is provided in the conditions that the analog dimming is configured as thermal feedback.

    Protection features include VIN under-voltage lock-out, LED open/short circuit and over-temperature fault signaling to the system controller.

    LM3464/64A 主要特性:

    ■ Wide input voltage range

    12V-80V (LM3464)

    12V–95V (LM3464A)

    ■ Dynamic Headroom Control ensures maximum efficiency

    ■ 4 output channels with individual current regulation

    ■ High channel to channel accuracy

    ■ Digital PWM/Analog dimming control interface

    ■ Resistor programmable dimming frequency & minimum duty cycle (analog dimming mode)

    ■ Direct interface to thermal sensor

    ■ Fault detection

    ■ Over temperature protection

    ■ Thermal shutdown

    ■ Under voltage lockout

    ■ Thermal enhanced eTSSOP-28 package


    ■ Streetlights

    ■ Solid State Lighting Solutions





    LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板

    The LM3464 is a linear LED driver with Dynamic Headroom Control (DHC) technology designed to drive four serial high power / high brightness LED strings. Four individual linear current regulators with low-side N-channel MOSFETs realize regulations of LED currents. The DHC optimizes system efficiency automatically while maintaining stable and accurate LED currents. The LM3464 includes a voltage regulator for powering the internal circuits that operates over wide input range of 12V to 80V, eases the design of driver stage for different source voltage. The Thermal foldback feature is designed to prolong the lifetime of the LEDs by reducing the average LED current for applications with high ambient temperature.

    The LM3464 features a fault handling circuit that avoids system failure due to accidentally short or open circuit of LED strings. Two or more LM3464 can be cascaded to expand the number of output channels, enabling flexible system architectural design.

    This evaluation board demonstrates the system efficiency and LED current regulation accuracy of the LM3464 LED driver typical application circuit as a 50W LED lighting system.

    The schematic, bill of material and PCB layout for the evaluation board are provided in this document. The evaluation board can adapt to different types of primary power supplies
with changes of value of a few components only.

    LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板主要特性:

    Vin range 12V to 80V

    48V LED turn ON voltage

    350mA LED current per channel

    2kHz thermal foldback dimming frequency

    As the LED turn-on voltage of the LM3464 evaluation board is designed to 48V, it is recommended to set the supply voltage to the evaluation board no more than 60V to avoid high power dissipation on the MOSFETs of the low-side current regulators upon system startup. For driving different number of LEDs, the startup voltage will need to be adjusted by changing the value of the resistors RFB1 and RFB2.

    LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板主要特性:

    Dynamic Headroom Control (DHC)

    Thermal foldback control

    High speed PWM dimming

    Minimum brightness limit for thermal foldback control

    Cascade operation for output channel expansion

    Vin Under-Voltage-Lockout

    Fault protection and indication

    Programmable startup voltage

    Thermal Shutdown

图5。LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板外形图

图6。LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板电路图
LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板材料清单:

图7。LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板级联扩展输出通路

图8。LM3464 4路LED驱动器评估板PCB元件布局图


关键字:四路高压  LED  驱动 编辑:探路者 引用地址:NS LM3463四路高压LED驱动解决方案


推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-18 15:22

/*本程序适用于没有SIP功能的单片机添加SIP发送功能*/ #include pic.h __CONFIG(0x1832); //芯片配置字,看门狗关,上电延时开,掉电检测关,低压编程关,加密,4M晶体HS振荡 #define clk P10 //定义时钟管脚 #define clk RC3 //定义时钟管脚 #define dio RC5 //定义数据管脚 #define stb RC2 //定义片选管脚 //#define nop _nop_(); #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int
S3C2416 Linux2.6.21 驱动移植--添加UART3 及波特率设置bug消除
一,移植环境 (红色粗字体字为修改后内容,蓝色粗体字为特别注意内容) 1.主机环境:Virtualbox 下ubuntu-10.10 2.编译编译环境:arm-linux-gcc v4.4.3 3.uboot : U-Boot 1.3.4(友坚提供) 4.linux内核版本: 5.硬件平台:采用友坚UT2416CV02核心板开发的平台 6.参考: linux内核支持S3C2416的UART3 (http://www.itkee.com/os/detail-1677.html ) S3C2416 User's Manual, Revision 1.10 二,添加UART3 S
明白了这个基础的流水灯思想,大部分流水灯程序都是这个基础流水灯演变而来的。 流水灯的流动:当开关(switch)闭合并且松开后,流水灯开始流动: 流水灯从两端向中间亮起,直至全部点亮——从中间向两端开始只有一个灭,其余都亮——全部灭掉——从两端只有一个亮灯流向中间——全部点亮(结束) (proteus绘制原理图) (从两端开始向中间亮起) (流水灯全部点亮) (从中间向两端流水灭灯) (从两端向中间
running_<font color='red'>led</font>(基础流水灯程序)
      白光(蓝光、绿光同白光)LED二极管在焊接的过程中请严格遵守以下要求操作:       1、工人生产时一定要戴防静电手套,防静电手腕,电烙铁一定要接地,严禁徒手触摸白光LED的两只引线脚。因为白光LED的防静电为100V,而人在工作台上工作湿度为60%-90%时人体的静电会损坏发光二极管的结晶层,工作一段时间后(如10小时)二极管就会失效(不亮)。严重时会立即失效。       2、焊接温度为260℃,3秒。温度过高,时间过长会烧坏芯片。为了更好地保护LED,LED胶体与PC板应保持2mm以上的间距,以使焊接热量在引脚中散除。       3、LED的正常工作电流为20mA,电压的微小波动(如0.1V)都将
首先说下19264屏 1926屏是由3个64*64 组成 64行 192列 其中192列 是64+64+64 =192 它们分别有CS1 CS2 CS3 控制 让那个屏显示 所以 每个屏最多只能显示64行64列 切结8行 等于1页。 每页只能最多写8行 64列,8*64 =512位 512/8 =64字节最多写64字节 。以上就是19264液晶屏的基本原理,虽然各个厂商硬件有所差异但原理基本相同。 C++ Code #include “main.h” #define __LCD_C__ const uchar code jie[]={ 0x08,0x08,0x08,0xFF,0x88,0x68,0x24,0x2
单片机对19264液晶屏的<font color='red'>驱动</font>
PIC16F628A LED流水灯示例程序
#include p IC .h __CONFIG(0x3f38); //看门狗关,内部RC震荡,RA6/RA7做I/O //----------------------------------- //延时函数 void delay() { int i; //定义循环变量 for(i=5000;i 0;i--) //循环次数控制 { NOP(); //消耗一个指令 周期 的时间 NOP(); } } //---------------------------------- //初始化函数 void init() { T
该解决方案整合了RTL/TLM设计与高阶综合、TLM/RTL混合功能验证与等效性检查、方法学和客户适用服务 Cadence设计系统公司(NASDAQ: CDNS)今天推出首个TLM驱动式协同设计与验证解决方案和方法学,使SoC设计师们可以尽享事务级建模(TLM)的好处。这一Cadence®解决方案包含集成了新式存储器编译器并支持C/C++的C-to-Silicon Compiler、具有最新TLM/RTL指标驱动式验证和可视化源码级调试功能的Incisive® Enterprise Simulator、Calypto®时序逻辑等效性检查、第一版TLM驱动式设计与验证方法学以及客户适用服务。 新解决方案可实现对基于
前言: 随着化飞速发展,以其高效、精确和灵活的特点,在推动生产自动化快速升级的同时,正在向更加智能的领域拓展。 三大底层技术是智能化的关键 拓斯达拥有自主研发三大底层技术:工业机器人X1、高性能的伺服、视觉。开放的控制系统能够不断迭代增强本体对工艺环境的适应性;更加节能和高集成的伺服驱动为机器人运动提供了精准稳定的保障;自主研发的视觉技术则为机器人开启了感知的世界,让它能够地感知和识别周围环境和工件。无论是定位、形状还是质量检验,拓斯达机器人都能够准确地获取并处理关键信息,为后续的操作提供有力支持。 复杂工艺集成应用沉淀智能场景 通过自动化,拓斯达机器人能够在生产线上执行重复、繁重的任务,
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