The device is designed for battery packs with 2, 3, or 4 Li-Ion/Li-Pol cells in series. The dedicated C-based software for real-time charging, cell-balancing and fuel gauging processes visualization and analysis is developed. The proposed device can be used as a complete battery pack management system for notebooks, medical, industrial and other similar applications.
This battery pack management system provides:
Correct charging of two, three, or four Li-Ion or Li-Pol cells in a series with one or more cells in parallel.
Protection from overcharge, deep discharge, and short circuit conditions.
Temperature detection that turns off the charging or discharging processes when battery temperature is outside the allowed temperature range.
Cell balancing in the battery pack.
Calculation of fuel gauge parameters including absolute capacity, state of charge, and run and charge time remaining
This multi-cell Li-Ion/Li-Pol battery charger with cell-balancing and fuel gauge technology supports single cell batteries or battery packs with two, three, or four Li-Ion or Li-Pol cells in series. It allows you using an external supply with a wide voltage range either less than or greater than the battery pack voltage.
It provides dedicated PC-based software for real time viewing and analysis of the charge, cell-balance and fuel gauge processes.
The device can be used as a complete battery pack management system for notebooks, medical and industrial equipment, and other, similar applications.
Block Diagram
Item ID: |
23 |
Content Type: |
cypress |
Software: PSoC Designer version4.3 and above
Software: PSoC Designer version4.3 and above
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