
最新更新时间:2012-07-23来源: chinaaet关键字:TIUCD3138  三路数字电源  控制解决方案 手机看文章 扫描二维码
TI公司的UCD3138是高度集成的数字电源控制器, 能数字控制三路单独的反馈回路,专有的基于PID硬件,2极点/2零点配置,非线性控制,高达16MHz误差模数转换器(EADC),可配置分辨率到1mV/LSB,自动分辨率选择,高达8x过取样,14位有效DAC,主要用于电源和通信整流器,功率因速修正和隔离的DC/DC模块.本文介绍了UCD3138主要特性,方框图,以及评估板UCD3138PFCEVM-026主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The UCD3138 is a digital power supply controller from Texas Instruments offering superior levels of integration and performance in a single chip solution. The flexible nature of the UCD3138 makes it suitable for a wide variety of power conversion applications. In addition, multiple peripherals inside the device have been specifically optimized to enhance the performance of ac/dc and isolated dc/dc applications and reduce the solution component count in the IT and network infrastructure space.

The UCD3138 is a fully programmable solution offering customers complete control of their application, along with ample ability to differentiate their solution. At the same time, TI is committed to simplifying our customer’s development effort through offering best in class development tools, including application firmware, Code Composer Studio. software development environment, and TI’s Fusion Power Development GUI which enables customers to configure and monitor key system parameters.

At the core of the UCD3138 controller are the digital control loop peripherals, also known as Fusion Digital Power Peripherals (FDPP). Each FDPP implements a high speed digital control loop consisting of a dedicated Error Analog to Digital Converter (EADC), a PID based 2 pole–2 zero digital compensator and DPWM outputs with 250 ps pulse width resolution. The device also contains a 12-bit, 265ksps general purpose ADC with up to 14 channels, timers, interrupt control, JTAG debug and PMBus and UART communications ports. The device is based on a 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S RISC microcontroller that performs
real-time monitoring, configures peripherals and manages communications. The ARM microcontroller executes its program out of programmable flash memory as well as on-chip RAM and ROM.

In addition to the FDPP, specific power management peripherals have been added to enable high efficiency across the entire operating range, high integration for increased power density, reliability, and lowest overall system cost and high flexibility with support for the widest number of control schemes and topologies. Such peripherals include: light load burst mode, synchronous rectification, LLC and phase shifted full bridge mode switching, input voltage feed forward, copper trace current sense, ideal diode emulation, constant current constant power control, synchronous rectification soft on and off, peak current mode control, flux balancing, secondary side input voltage sensing, high resolution current sharing, hardware configurable soft start with pre bias, as well as several other features. Topology support has been optimized for voltage mode and peak current mode controlled phase shifted full bridge, single and dual phase PFC, bridgeless PFC, hard switched full bridge and half bridge, and LLC half bridge and full bridge.


Digital Control of up to 3 Independent Feedback Loops

Dedicated PID based hardware

2-pole/2-zero configurable

Non-Linear Control

Up to 16MHz Error Analog to Digital Converter (EADC)

Configurable Resolution as Small as 1mV/LSB

Automatic Resolution Selection

Up to 8x Oversampling

Hardware Based Averaging (up to 8x)

14 bit Effective DAC

Up to 8 High Resolution Digital Pulse Width Modulated (DPWM) Outputs

250ps Pulse Width Resolution

4ns Frequency Resolution

4ns Phase Resolution

Adjustable Phase Shift Between Outputs

Adjustable Dead-band Between Pairs

Up to 2MHz Switching Frequency

Configurable PWM Edge Movement

Trailing Modulation

Leading Modulation

Dual Edge Modulation

Configurable Feedback Control

Voltage Mode

Average Current Mode

Peak Current Mode Control

Constant Current

Constant Power

Configurable Modulation Methods

Frequency Modulation

Phase Shift Modulation

Pulse Width Modulation

Fast, Automatic and Smooth Mode Switching

Frequency Modulation and PWM

Phase Shift Modulation and PWM

High Efficiency and Light Load Management

Burst Mode

Ideal Diode Emulation

Synchronous Rectifier Soft On/Off

Low IC Standby Power

Soft Start / Stop with and without Pre-bias

Fast Input Voltage Feed Forward Hardware

Primary Side Voltage Sensing

Copper Trace Current Sensing

Flux and Phase Current Balancing for Non-Peak Current

Mode Control Applications

Current Share Bus Support

Analog Average


Feature Rich Fault Protection Options

7 High Speed Analog Comparators

Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting

Programmable Fault Counting

External Fault Inputs

4–10 Digital Comparators

Programmable blanking time

Synchronization of DPWM waveforms between multiple UCD313x devices

14 channel, 12 bit, 265 ksps General Purpose ADC with integrated

Programmable averaging filters

Dual sample and hold

Internal Temperature Sensor

Fully Programmable High-Performance 31.25MHz, 32-bit ARM7TDMI-S Processor

32 kByte (kB) Program Flash

2 kB Data Flash with ECC

4 kB Data RAM

4 kB Boot ROM Enables Firmware Boot-Load in the Field via


Communication Peripherals



JTAG Debug Port

Timer capture with selectable input pins

Up to 5 Additional General Purpose Timers

Built In Watchdog: BOD and POR

64-pin QFN and 40-pin QFN packages

Operating Temperature: –40°C to 125°C

Fusion Digital Power GUI Support


Power Supplies and Telecom Rectifiers

Power Factor Correction

Isolated dc-dc Modules



This EVM is to help evaluate the UCD3138 64-pin digital control device in off-line power converter application and then to aid its design. The EVM is a standalone Power Factor Correction (PFC) preregulator of single-phase AC input. The EVM UCD3138PFCEVM-026 is used together with its control card, UCD3138CC64EVM-030, also an EVM on which is placed UCD3138RGC.

The EVM of UCD3138PFCEVM-026 together with UCD3138CC64EVM-030 can be used as they are delivered without additional work, from either hardware or firmware, to evaluate PFC. The UCD3138PFCEVM-026 together with the UCD3138CC64EVM-030 can also be re-tuned on its design parameters through the operation of GUI, called Texas Instruments Fusion Digital Power Designer, or reloaded up with custom firmware with user’s definition and development.

The EVM system is in topology of single-phase boost converter at its delivery on both hardware and firmware, but can be re-configured into two other PFC topologies: dual-phase interleaved, and bridgeless, then corresponding operation can be made by reloading with that associated firmware. All necessity of hardware and firmware for the two additional topologies are already developed and delivered with the shipment. Please contact Texas Instruments to obtain the instructions how to make re-configuration.

In the package delivered, three EVMs are included UCD3138PFCEVM-026, UCD3138CC64EVM-030, and USB-TO-GPIO. In the same package, also included is a hard copy of Evaluation Module Electrical Safety Guideline.

This user’s guide provides basic evaluation instruction from a viewpoint of system operation in standalone PFC in its boost configuration.

UCD3138PFCEVM-026 together with UCD3138CC64EVM-030 is an EVM of PFC pre-regulator with digital control using UCD3138 device in boost converter topology and in the application of single-phase AC input.

UCD3138 device is located on the board of UCD3138CC64EVM-030. UCD3138CC64EVM-030 is a daughter card and serves all PFC required control functions with preloaded single-phase boost PFC firmware. UCD3138PFCEVM-026 accepts universal AC line input from 90 VAC to 264 VAC, and outputs nominal 390 VDC with full load output power 360 W, or full output current 0.92 A.



• Digitally Controlled PFC Pre-Regulator

• Universal AC Line Input from 90 VAC to 264 VAC with AC Line Frequency 47 Hz to 63 Hz

• Regulated Output 390 VDC with Output from No-Load to Full-Load

• Full-Load Power 360 W, or full-Load Current 0.92 A

• High Power Factor Close to 0.999 and Low THD Below 5% in Most Operation Conditions
• High Efficiency

• Protection:

– Over Voltage

– Over Current

– Brownout

– Power-On Inrush Current

• Test Points to Facilitate Device and Topology Evaluation

• Re-Configurable to Dual-Phase Interleaved PFC or Bridgeless PFC (please contact TI for detail)


• Single-Phase Universal AC Line Power Factor Correction Pre-Regulator

• Servers

• Telecommunication Systems





关键字:TIUCD3138  三路数字电源  控制解决方案 编辑:探路者 引用地址:TIUCD3138三路数字电源控制解决方案


推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-17 14:58

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