元器件交易网讯 8月22日消息,据业内人士透露,信利光电、欧菲光科技和介面光电(J Touch)等触控面板厂商看到国内智能手机厂商,如联想、华为设备、中兴通讯和酷派的订单增加。
消息人士补充说,中档市场也有可能在下半年为触摸面板制造商带来最好的出货量。(元器件交易网郭路平 译)
Touch panel makers see increased orders for panels used in mid-range handsets Sammi Huang, Taipei; Alex Wolfgram, DIGITIMES [Wednesday 21 August 2013]
Touch panel makers such as Truly Optoelectronics, O-Film Tech and J Touch have recently seen increased orders from China-based smartphone vendors such as Lenovo, Huawei Device, ZTE and Coolpad, according to industry sources.
The vendors are looking to further tackle the mid-range handset segment as the high-end segment is starting to see a slowdown in sales as well as facing bottlenecks in the supply chain, which means the mid-range segment is likely to give the vendors the most room for growth in the second half of 2013, the sources said.
The mid-range segment is also likely to bring the touch panel makers the most shipments in the second half of the year, the sources added.
关键字:触控面板厂商 中端手机面板
消息人士补充说,中档市场也有可能在下半年为触摸面板制造商带来最好的出货量。(元器件交易网郭路平 译)
Touch panel makers see increased orders for panels used in mid-range handsets Sammi Huang, Taipei; Alex Wolfgram, DIGITIMES [Wednesday 21 August 2013]
Touch panel makers such as Truly Optoelectronics, O-Film Tech and J Touch have recently seen increased orders from China-based smartphone vendors such as Lenovo, Huawei Device, ZTE and Coolpad, according to industry sources.
The vendors are looking to further tackle the mid-range handset segment as the high-end segment is starting to see a slowdown in sales as well as facing bottlenecks in the supply chain, which means the mid-range segment is likely to give the vendors the most room for growth in the second half of 2013, the sources said.
The mid-range segment is also likely to bring the touch panel makers the most shipments in the second half of the year, the sources added.
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