日前,EETimes编辑Caleb Kraft选出全球十款最小开源开发板,让我们一睹为快吧,尽管大多数在中国不容易买到。
售价:22美元 尺寸:20.7mm*15.2mm
可以使用Arduino编译器以及库文件,重量只有两克,采用ATMega 328p处理器。是业界最小的Arduino。
2.Digispark http://digistump.com/products/1
售价:8.95美元 尺寸:如图
3.MBED LPC11U24 http://mbed.org/handbook/mbed-NXP-LPC11U24
处理器采用NXP LPC11U24,Cortex M0内核,有在线编译工具。
- Low power ARM® Cortex™-M0 Core
- 48MHz, 8KB RAM, 32KB FLASH
- USB Device, 2xSPI, I2C , UART, 6xADC, GPIO
- Prototyping form-factor
- 40-pin 0.1" pitch DIP package, 54x26mm
- 5V USB, 4.5-9V supply or 2.4-3.3V battery
- Built-in USB drag 'n' drop FLASH programmer
- mbed.org Developer Website
- Lightweight Online Compiler
- High level C/C++ SDK
- Cookbook of published libraries and projects
4.Flora http://www.adafruit.com/products/659
售价:24.95美元 尺寸:直径1.75英寸 重量:4.4克
5.Teensy 3.0 http://pjrc.com/store/teensy3.html
售价:19美元 尺寸:18mm*30.5mm
这是最新的采用飞思卡尔Cortex M4的K20系列MCU,处理性能最强,34个IO,超强扩展功能。
6.USB Bit Whacker https://www.sparkfun.com/products/762
售价:24.95美元 尺寸:25mm*40mm
如果你厌倦了ARM,可以考虑这款采用MIPS架构的Microchip的PIC18F MCU开发板。
7.Maple Mini https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11280售价:34.95美元 尺寸:18mm*51mm
- STM32 F103RCBT6: a 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 microprocessor
- Clock Speed: 72 MHz
- Input Voltage (recommended): 3.0V-12V
- 34 Digital I/O Pins (GPIO)
- 9 Analog Input Pins
- 12-bit ADC resolution
- 12 PWM pins at 16-bit resolution
- Dedicated USB port for programming and communications
- 120 KB Flash and 20 KB SRAM
- Integrated SPI (2) and I2C (2)
- 7 Channels of Direct Memory Access
- 3 USART devices
- Four 4-channel Timers
- Support for low power and sleep modes (<500uA)
8.Pro Micro https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11098
售价:19.95美元 尺寸:18mm*33mm
采用ATMega 32U4处理器,自己号称是Arduino兼容版中最小的产品。
售价:39.95美元 尺寸:32mm*70mm
10. Mini-32 http://www.mikroe.com/mini/pic32/
该产品采用MicroChip PIC32MX系列产品,80MHz 32位MIPS内核。
- PIC32MX534F064H 64K Flash (plus 12K boot Flash), 16K RAM (can execute from RAM)
- USB 2.0 On-The-Go support
- Signal LEDs, Crystal oscillator and Reset Button on board.
- Supports CAN communication
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