S3C2440A boot code can be executed on an external NAND flash memory. In order to support NAND flash bootloader, the S3C2440A is equipped with an internal SRAM buffer called "Steppingstone". When booting, the first 4KBytes of the NAND flash memory will be loaded into Steppingstone and the boot code loaded into Steppingstone will be executed.
Generally, the boot code will copy NAND flash content to SDRAM. Using hardware ECC generating, the NAND flash data validity will be checked. Upon the completion of the copy, the main program will be executed on the SDRAM.
2440的启动代码可以从外部的nandflash上执行。为了能支持nboot,2440需要带有一个叫做steppingstone的内部sram缓 冲区。在启动加载的时候,nandflash的前4k的内容(nboot部分)要被先load到steppingstone中去(此时 steppingstone被映射为物理地址的0x0,复位后执行的第一条指令就是从这里取的),并且接着就是在steppingstone中去执行该启 动代码。这部分代码(nboot)的作用是会将nandflash中的bootloader step2部分拷贝到sdram中去,并跳到sdram中去执行以加载内核(nk)。
nboot从nandflash被load到 steppingstone中的过程为:在上点的时候,nandflash控制器通过几个引脚的状态(NCON-Adv flash;GPG13-Page size;GPG14-Address cycle;GPG15-Bus width)来得到nandflash的相关信息,之后nandflash控制器就会自动load nandflash中前4k的启动代码到steppingstone中去,并在其中执行了。
推荐阅读最新更新时间:2024-03-16 15:22
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