1.请读者先阅读芯片资料中Chapter 6 Parallel Input/Output Control的6.1节和6.2节。
6.1节中记住的第一句话是:Reading and writing of parallel I/Os are performed through the port data registers. The direction, either input or output, is controlled through the port data direction registers.(读写并行I/O的操作都是由操作I/O端口数据寄存器来完成,I/O端口的方向,即输入或是输出,由I/O端口数据方向寄存器控制)很多大学生学过51单片机,玩的也很溜,也知道如何操作51单片机的I/O,甚至知晓通过硬件设计来拓展I/O资源。这里要说明下,MC8S08DZ60芯片,以及大部分8位16位和32位芯片,对I/O口的数据方向的控制由专门的数据方向寄存器控制,这点可能与51单片机不一样。
6.1节中第二句话:The data direction control bit (PTxDDn) determines whether the output buffer for the associated pin is enabled, and also controls the source for port data register reads。控制I/O数据方向的寄存器名为PTxDDn,x是不同类的并行I/O口,如PTA口、PTB口等,n为某一类并行口的一个控制位 如PTADD1。
6.1节中第三句话:It is a good programming practice to write to the port data register before changing the direction of a port pin to become an output.(改变端口数据方向前,写入安全的数据到端口数据寄存器)也就是确保单片器I/O初始化后端口数据状态的确定性。
6.2节中第一句话:An internal pull-up device can be enabled for each port pin by setting the corresponding bit in the pull-up enable register (PTxPEn).(芯片内部上拉设备,可以通过设置PTxPEn,来控制每一个I/O端口的上拉情况),另外需要注意!如果并行输入 / 输出控制逻辑或任何外围设备功能将管脚配置为输出,上拉器件就会被禁止,这与对应的上拉寄存器位的状态无关。如果管脚由模拟功能控制(也即I/O口被配置为其他功能口,而不是简单的I/O口),上拉器件同样会被禁止。
6.2节第二句话: When enabled, slew control limits the rate at which an output can transition in order to reduce EMC emissions(该功能启动时,转换控制限制输出的转换速度,减少 EMC 发射)。斜率控制寄存器 (PTxSEn)的设置可以减少EMC的发射,这个还是蛮重要的。另外如果管脚被配置为输出I/O,其设置不会产生任何影响。
#ifndef _DATA_TYPE_H_H
#define _DATA_TYPE_H_H
typedef char INT8;
typedef unsigned char UINT8;
typedef unsigned short USHORT16;
typedef unsigned int UNIT16;
typedef unsigned long ULONG32;
typedef short SHORT16;
typedef long LONG32;
typedef unsigned char BOOL;
#ifndef _GPIO_H_H
#define _GPIO_H_H
//For port A pins that are inputs,reads return the logic level on the pin.
//For Port A pins this are configured as outputs,reads return the last value
//written to this register.
//表1-寄存器设置值-none 不需要
#define PTAD_RESET 0x00
#define PTAD0 0
#define PTAD1 1
#define PTAD2 2
#define PTAD3 3
#define PTAD4 4
#define PTAD5 5
#define PTAD6 6
#define PTAD7 7
//These read/write bits control the direction of port A pins and what is read
//for PTAD reads.
#define PTADD_RESET 0x00
#define PTADD0_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD0_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD1_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD1_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD2_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD2_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD3_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD3_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD4_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD4_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD5_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD5_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD6_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD6_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD7_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD7_AS_OUTPUT 0x01
#define PTADD_AS_INPUT 0x00
#define PTADD0 0
#define PTADD1 1
#define PTADD2 2
#define PTADD3 3
#define PTADD4 4
#define PTADD5 5
#define PTADD6 6
#define PTADD7 7
//Each of these control bits determines if the internal pull-up or pull-down
//device is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured
//as outputs, these bits have no effect and the internal pull devices are disabled.
#define PTAPE_RESET 0x00
#define PTAPE0_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE0_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE1_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE1_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE2_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE2_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE3_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE3_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE4_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE4_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE5_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE5_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE6_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE6_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE7_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device disabled.
#define PTAPE7_PULL_ENABLE 0x01 //Internal pull_up/pull_down device enabled.
#define PTAPE_PULL_DISABLE 0x00 //Internal pull_up/pull_down of PTA all disabled.
#define PTAPE_PULL_ENABLE 0xFF //Internal pull_up/pull_down of PTA all enabled.
#define PTAPE0 0
#define PTAPE1 1
#define PTAPE2 2
#define PTAPE3 3
#define PTAPE4 4
#define PTAPE5 5
#define PTAPE6 6
#define PTAPE7 7
//Each of these control bits determines if the output slew rate control
//is enabled for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured as inputs,
//these bits have no effect.
#define PTASE_RESET 0xFF
#define PTASE0_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE0_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE1_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE1_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE2_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE2_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE3_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE3_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE4_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE4_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE5_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE5_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE6_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE6_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE7_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control disabled.
#define PTASE7_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0x01 //Output slew rate control enabled.
#define PTASE_SLEW_RATE_DISABLE 0x00 //Output slew rate control for PTA all disabled.
#define PTASE_SLEW_RATE_ENABLE 0xFF //Output slew rate control for PTA all enabled.
#define PTASE0 0
#define PTASE1 1
#define PTASE2 2
#define PTASE3 3
#define PTASE4 4
#define PTASE5 5
#define PTASE6 6
#define PTASE7 7
//Each of these control bits selects between low and high
//output drive for the associated PTA pin. For port A pins that are configured
//as inputs, these bits have no effect.
#define PTADS_RESET 0x00
#define PTADS0_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS0_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS1_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS1_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS2_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS2_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS3_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS3_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS4_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS4_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS5_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS5_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS6_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS6_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS7_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS7_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output drive strength selected.
#define PTADS_LOW_STRENGTH 0x00 //Low output drive strengh for all PTA.
#define PTADS_HIGH_STRENGTH 0x01 //High output driver strenggh for all PTA.
#define PTADS0 0
#define PTADS1 1
#define PTADS2 2
#define PTADS3 3
#define PTADS4 4
#define PTADS5 5
#define PTADS6 6
#define PTADS7 7
//None - configurations are in INTERRUPT mode
//None - configurations are in INTERRUPT mode
//None - configurations are in INTERRUPT mode
//For port B pins that are inputs,reads return the logic level on the pin.
//For Port B pins this are configured as outputs,reads return the last value
上一篇:第二课 MC9S08DZ60之多功能时钟发生器S08MCGV1
下一篇:第四课 MC9S08DZ60之实时计数器RTC
推荐阅读最新更新时间:2024-11-05 01:38
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