MOSFET可选择英飞凌的N沟道MOSFET(500V或600V的CoolMOS C3/CoolMOS CP),
PFC控制器可选择英飞凌的DCM PFC-IC(TDA4863-2)或CCM PFC-IC(ICE1PCS01/02)。
有源功率因子控制器ICE1PCS01/02是英飞凌针对有源CCM(连续传导模式)功率因子校正转换器而推出的8脚控制IC,The unique average current control allows for low THD at all load ranges and excellent compensation of line voltage varations. The soft-start and the open-loop-protection provide high reliability and optimum operating conditions for SIC(silicon carbide) diodes. ICE2PCS01/02 are the 2nd generation of Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) PFC controllers, which employ BiCMOS technology.
Compared to the first generation of ICE1PCS01/02, the new ICs have lower internal reference trimmed at 3V. They also have other advantages such as wider Vcc operating range, improved internal oscillator and additional direct bulk capacitor over-voltage protection.
Major Features include:
1. Ease of use with few external components
2. Average current control
3. External current and voltage loop compensation for greater user fexibility
4. Programmable switching (50-250kHz) for ICE1PCS01/ICE2PCS01
5. Trimmed internal fixed switching frequency for ICE1PCS02/ICE2PCS02(65kHz+5% at 25oC)
6. Direct sensing, input brown-out detection with hysteresis for ICE1PCS02/ICE2PCS02
7. Max. duty cycle of 95% (typ)
8. Trimmed internal reference voltage (5V+2%) for ICE1PCS01/02
9. Vcc under-voltage lock-out
10. Cycle by cycle peak current limit.
11. Output over-voltage protection
12. Open loop detection
13. Output under-voltage detection
14. Enhanced dynamic response
15. Soft overcurrent protection
16. Fulfills class D spec. of IEC1000-3-2
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