Linear LT3791升降压100W LED驱动方案

最新更新时间:2012-12-19来源: 中国LED照明网关键字:Linear  LT3791  LED驱动方案 手机看文章 扫描二维码


The LT®3791 is a synchronous 4-switch buck-boost LED driver controller. The controller can regulate LED current up to 52V of LED string with input voltages above, bELow, or equal to the output voltage. The constant-frequency, forced-continuous current mode architecture allows its frequency to be adjusted or synchronized from 200kHz to 700kHz. No top MOSFET refresh switching cycle is needed in buck or boost operation. With 60V input, 60V output capability and seamless transitions between operating regions, the LT3791 is ideal for LED driver applications in automotive, industrial, and even battery-powered systems.

The LT3791 provides input current monitor, LED current monitor, and open or shorted LED fault condition, during which the LT3791 either restarts or latches off.


4-Switch Single Inductor Architecture Allows VIN Above, Below or Equal to VOUT

Synchronous Switching: Up to 98.5% Efficiency

Wide VIN Range: 4.7V to 60V

Wide VOUT Range: 0V to 60V (52V LED)

±6% LED Current Accuracy: 0V ≤ VLED < 52V

True Color PWM™ and Analog Dimming

LED and Input Current Regulation with Current Monitor Outputs

No Top MOSFET Refresh in Buck or Boost

VOUT Disconnected From VIN During Shutdown

Open or Shorted LED Fault Protection

Capable of 100W or Greater per IC

38-Lead TSSOP with Exposed Pad


Automotive Head Lamps/Running Lamps

General Purpose Lighting


图2.LT3791效率98% 50W(25V2A)升-降压LED驱动电路图

图3.LT3791效率98.5% 100W(33.3V3A)升-降压LED驱动电路图


Demonstration circuit DC1666A is a synchronous fourswitch buck-boost LED driver controller. It accepts an input voltage from 4.7V to 60V, and drives up to 25V of LEDs at 2A. DC1666A features both PWM and analog dimming of the LED string. It has an OPENLED flag that indicates when the LED string has been removed and it has a SHORTLED flag that indicates that the output has been shorted to GND. In both cases, the IC remains in control and well protected.

DC1666A features very high efficiency at 300kHz switching frequency and continuous conduction mode (CCM). The synchronous four-switch topology both steps up and steps down voltage while regulating up to 50W of constant LED output current at efficiencies up to 98%. The circuit can be altered for applications requiring over 100W of LEDs.

An optional SYNC terminal is provided for synchronizing to an external clock and CLKOUT terminal provides asource to sync another converter to the internal clock of the LT®3791.

Three sense resistors provide constant output current control and monitoring, peak switch current control, and DC input current limit and monitoring. The ISMON and IVINMON outputs tell the user how much current is flowing through the output and input sense resistors.

Small ceramic input and output capacitors are used to save space and cost. The open LED overvoltage protection uses the ICs constant voltage regulation loop to limit the output to approximately 28.3V if the LED string is opened.

For low input voltage operation, the CTRL pin voltage is reduced as the input voltage drops below 6.5V, reducing LED brightness and restraining the peak switch currents in order to limit inductor and switch size. UVLO turns the LEDs off when VIN drops below 4.7V. When input rises above 57.6V, overvoltage lockout turns the switches off to protect them and they turn back on when VIN drops below 56.2V.

DC1666A PWM dimming is simple. The PWM dimming MOSFET turns the LED string on and off with an input to the PWM dimming terminal. For the highest PWM dimming ratio, it is recommended to use 100Hz as a PWM dimming frequency. Information regarding PWM dimming ratios and performance can be found in the Applications Information section of the LT3791 data sheet. Analog dimming is also simple with a simple voltage source on the CTRL terminal.Modifications can be made to DC1666A in order to convert the board to higher or lower power or from an LED driver to a constant voltage regulator or battery charger. Please consult the factory or the LT3791 data sheet for details.

The LT3791 data sheet gives a complete description of the part, operation and applications information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for demonstration circuit DC1666A. The LT3791 is assembled in a 38-lead plastic TSSOP package with a thermally enhanced ground pad. Proper board layout is essential for maximum thermal performance. See the Layout Considerations section in the data sheet.




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  发光二极管(LED)是用于建筑物及室内照明的下一代照明组件,发光能效比白炽灯高得多,不过,其必须以专用电子驱动电路,确保不遭受过大应力,从而使它们持续提供产品规格中所宣称的长寿命。针对此一技术前提,本文将探讨如何使用简单LED驱动电路来提供必要的可靠性,并将灯具成本降至最低。   LED特性加持 室内照明设计更有效率   LED照明的特性已使室内照明设计人员可进一步设计出新的照明方案,举例来说,LED尺寸小,且可密集排列,使其能置于软性灯条内,或易于隐藏在橱柜及楼梯中,达成更多设计弹性。此外,LED的主要工作参数相对简单,只要保持电流恒定,并低于可承受的最大电流,进一步在设计参数范围内工作而不遭受过大应力,LED使用寿命将比白
探索低成本<font color='red'>LED</font>照明<font color='red'>驱动方案</font>
照明电源和驱动方案:  驱动方案一般来说有两种: 线性驱动和开关型驱动。 线性驱动应用是一种最为简单和最为直接的驱动应用方式。在照明级白光LED应用中,虽然存在着效率低、调节性差等问题,但是由于其电路简单、体积小巧,能满足一些特定的场合应用较多。 开关型驱动可以获得良好的电流控制精度和较高的总体效率,应用方式主要分为降压式和升压式两大类。降压式开关驱动是针对电源电压高于LED的端电压或者是多个LED采用并联驱动情况下的应用。升压式开关驱动是针对电源电压低于LED的端电压或者是多个LED采用串联驱动情况下的应用。 一般认为,隔离型驱动安全但效率较低,非隔离型驱动效率较高,应按实际使用的要求来
    加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯 (MILPITAS, CA) – 2013 年 9 月 25 日 – 凌力尔特公司 (Linear Technology Corporation) 推出通用的高压降压型开关电容器转换器 LTC3255,该器件提供高达 50mA 的输出电流。在输入电压超过输出电压双倍的应用中,充电泵提供了几乎为同等线性稳压器的双倍效率,并为替代开关 DC/DC 稳压器提供了一个节省空间和无电感器的解决方案。LTC3255 从范围为 4V ~ 48V 和容限为 +60V / -52V 的输入产生稳压输出 (2.4V ~ 12.5V 可调)。     在无负载时,突发模式 (Burst Mode®) 工作将VIN 静态电
<font color='red'>凌力尔特</font>推出高压降压型开关电容器转换器
凌特公司(Linear Technology)日前推出高度集成的850kHz、低噪声、高效率1x/1.5x/2x多模式充电泵LTC3209-1和LTC3209-2,以用于驱动移动电话的主、相机和辅助LED显示屏。这两款器件每个都能以高达600mA的总输出电流驱动多达8个LED电流源。 LTC3209-1能以驱动多达6个LED的主显示屏、一个LED的相机显示屏和一个LED的辅助显示屏;而LTC3209-2可以驱动多达5个LED的主显示屏、两个LED的相机显示屏和一个LED的辅助显示屏。这两款器件都采用紧凑的4x4mm QFN封装。每个显示屏都可进行数字控制,并通过两线I2C串行接口实现独立调光和编程。 LTC3209-1
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