
最新更新时间:2011-12-08来源: chinaaet关键字:单相电表  分流器  单周期  动态范围 手机看文章 扫描二维码

ADI公司的ADE5166/ADE5169/ADE5566/ADE55691集成了电表模拟前端(AFE)和具有8052 MCU核,RTC和LCD驱动器以及外设的固定功能DSP解决方案.工作电压2.4V-3.7V,25度C时动态范围1000:1时的有功功率误差小于0.1%,无功功率误差小于0.5%,微处理器采用基于8052内核,8052兼容的指令集,单周期4MIps特性.本文介绍了ADE5166/ADE5169/ADE5566/ADE5569主要特性,方框图, ADE5566/ADE5569电表框图以及采用8052 MCU,RTC和LCD驱动器的单相电表评估板主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.

The ADE5166/ADE5169/ADE5566/ADE55691 integrate the Analog Devices, Inc., energy (ADE) metering IC analog front end and fixed function DSP solution with an enhanced 8052 MCU core, a full RTC, an LCD driver, and all the peripherals to make an electronic energy meter with an LCD display in a single part.

The ADE measurement core includes active, reactive, and apparent energy calculations, as well as voltage and current rms measurements. This information is accessible for energy billing by using the built-in energy scalars. Many power line supervisory features such as SAG, peak, and zero crossing are included in the energy measurement DSP to simplify energy meter design.

The microprocessor functionality includes a single-cycle 8052 core, a full RTC with a power supply backup pin, an SPI or I2C interface, and two independent UART interfaces. The ready-to-use information from the ADE core reduces the requirement for program memory size, making it easy to integrate complicated design into 62 kB of flash memory.

The ADE5166/ADE5169 include a 104-segment LCD driver and the ADE5566/ADE5569 include a 108-segment LCD driver, each with the capability to store up to four LCD screens in memory. This driver generates voltages capable of driving LCDs up to 5 V.



Wide supply voltage operation: 2.4 V to 3.7 V

Internal bipolar switch between regulated and battery inputs

Ultralow power operation with power saving modes (PSM)

Full operation: 4.4 mA to 1.6 mA (PLL clock dependent)

Battery mode: 3.3 mA to 400 μA (PLL clock dependent)

Sleep mode

Real-time clock (RTC) mode: 1.7 μA

RTC and LCD mode: 38 μA (LCD charge pump enabled)

Reference: 1.2 V ± 0.1% (10 ppm/°C drift)

64-lead, low profile quad flat, RoHS-compliant package (LQFP)

Operating temperature range: −40℃ to +85℃


Proprietary analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital signal processing (DSP) provide high accuracy active (watt), reactive (var), and apparent energy (volt-ampere (VA)) measurement

<0.1% error on active energy over a dynamic range of 1000 to 1 @ 25℃

<0.5% error on reactive energy over a dynamic range of 1000 to 1 @ 25℃ (ADE5169 and ADE5569 only)

<0.5% error on root mean square (rms) measurements over a dynamic range of 500 to 1 for current (Irms) and 100 to 1 for voltage (Vrms) @ 25℃

Supports IEC 62053-21; IEC 62053-22; IEC 62053-23; EN 50470-3 Class A, Class B, and Class C; and ANSI C12-16

Differential input with programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs) supports shunts, current transformers, and di/dt current sensors (ADE5169 and ADE5569 only) 2 current inputs for antitamper detection in the ADE5166/ ADE5169 High frequency outputs proportional to Irms, active, reactive, or apparent power (AP)


8052-based core

Single-cycle 4 MIPS 8052 core

8052-compatible instruction set

32.768 kHz external crystal with on-chip PLL

2 external interrupt sources

External reset pin

Low power battery mode

Wake-up from I/O, temperature change, alarm, and universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)

LCD driver operation with automatic scrolling

Temperature measurement

Real-time clock (RTC)

Counter for seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years

Date counter, including leap year compensation

Automatic battery switchover for RTC backup

Operation down to 2.4 V

Ultralow battery supply current: 1.7 μA

Selectable output frequency: 1 Hz to 16 kHz

Embedded digital crystal frequency compensation for calibration and temperature variation of 2 ppm resolution

Integrated LCD driver

108-segment driver for the ADE5566 and ADE5569

104-segment driver for the ADE5166 and ADE5169

2×, 3×, or 4× multiplexing

4 LCD memory banks for screen scrolling

LCD voltages generated internally or with external resistors

Internal adjustable drive voltages up to 5 V independent of power supply level

On-chip peripherals

2 independent UART interfaces

SPI or I2C

Watchdog timer

Power supply management with user-selectable levels

Memory: 62 kB flash memory, 2.256 kB RAM

Development tools

Single-pin emulation

IDE-based assembly and C source debugging

ADE5166/ADE5169 Functional Block Diagram



采用8052 MCU,RTC和LCD驱动器的单相电表评估板

(ADE71xx/ADE75xx/ADE51xx/ADE55xx 系列)

The EVAL-ADE7169EBZ-2/ADE5169EBZ-2 kit includes an isolated USB-to-UART converter (ADE8052Z-DWDL1) for communication and debugging purposes. The ADE7116/ADE7166/ADE7169/ADE7566/ADE7569/ADE5166/ADE5169/ADE5566/ADE5569 (hereafter referred to as ADE71xx/ADE75xx/ ADE51xx/ADE55xx) family is supported by the IAR develop-ment environment. Evaluation software developed in LabVIEW™ provides the means to evaluate the performance of the ADE71xx/ ADE75xx/ADE51xx/ADE55xx.

The evaluation kit includes a CD that provides all of the asso-ciated documentation, tools, and drivers to set up and use the evaluation board for the ADE71xx/ADE75xx/ADE51xx/ADE55xx.


Full evaluation kit including evaluation board hardware, evaluation software, and development tools

Supported by IAR development tools for assembly and C code development Isolated USB-to-UART communication

LabVIEW evaluation software for evaluation of meter performance LabVIEW download tools for user firmware download

Single evaluation board supports ADE7116/ADE7166/ADE7169/ADE7566/ADE7569 and ADE5166/ADE5169/ADE5566/ADE5569

EVAL-ADE7169EBZ-2 comes with ADE7169 IC installed

EVAL-ADE5169EBZ-2 comes with ADE5169 IC installed








关键字:单相电表  分流器  单周期  动态范围 编辑:探路者 引用地址:ADIADE51xx单相电表解决方案


推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-18 16:12

为存储、云基础设施、物联网(IoT)、互联和多媒体应用提供半导体解决方案的全球领导厂商美满电子科技(Marvell,)今日宣布,其先进的Avastar 无线连接产品系列现可支持动态多跳中继(Dynamic Multi-Hop Relay,DMHR)技术。在Marvell先进的Avastar无线连接设备88W8887、88W8997以及88W8977中集成DMHR技术,通过菊花链拓扑技术,能够智能的连接和分享数据或音频/视频,从而稳定扩展Wi-Fi 设备的无线覆盖范围。 DMHR技术可以提升多样化室内和室外环境下的用户体验,通过稳定的无线连接,确保无论是基础设施或是点对点配置,都有不间断的多媒体和云服务。这一性能结合了Ma
宽<font color='red'>动态</font><font color='red'>范围</font>的平方根电路
在光纤通信系统中,为了保证系统总性能,需要进行光功率监视。对数信号处理技术可以在很宽的动态范围内保持精确的测量。宽动态范围信号经过压缩之后,使用较低分辨率的测量系统便可节省成本。作为这种技术的一个实例,考虑用一只响应度为 0.5A/W 的光电二极管来将光能量转换为 100 nA~1mA 的电流。如果动态范围为40倍,误差为1%,则所要求的测量分辨率是 0.01%26;#215;10-4 ,即 1 ppm。这种测量需要一个 20 位 ADC。作为一种替代方法,你可以采用对数比率放大器将这种输入压缩到 0~4V 的范围内,然后使用一个 10 位 ADC,从而可大大降低系统成本。对基准电流编程可以使输出电压改变至所需的电平。在涉及到将动态
动态范围为何犀利 HDR技术深度解析
近些年以来,HDR成为了电视和投影机厂商宣传的一个新噱头,曝光率越来越高。但是作为一个新兴的技术,很多人其实对它还知之甚少,今天我们就来科普一下,HDR技术到底是什么? HDR既是High Dynamic Range的缩写,翻译成中文就是高动态范围。高这个词大家都知道是什么意思,所以要解释HDR是什么,我们应该明确的就是DR,也就是动态范围的概念。其实动态范围是一种用数学方式来描述某个给定场景的亮度层次范围的技术术语,直白的说就是指一个图像中最亮处和最暗处之间的比值。HDR技术就是让图像明亮的地方更亮,而黑色的地方更黑暗。   HDR技术的应用 人眼所能感受的亮度范围大概为10-3—106nit,所能感受的瞬时对比度
Vishay 新款电池分流器实现更高精度和一致的触点位置
eeworld网消息,日前,Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.(NYSE 股市代号:VSH)宣布,发布新的Power Metal Strip®电池分流器---WSBS8518...20。该电阻有2个引脚,采用8518外形尺寸,功率达到36W。Vishay Dale WSBS8518...20的阻值低至50µΩ,比霍尔效应检流方案的精度更高,成本更低,同时其引脚在PCB安装过程中起辅助作用,使触点位置保持一致。 今天发布的这颗器件采用专利的加工工艺,实现了50µΩ、100µΩ、125µΩ和250µΩ的极低电阻值。低阻值使电阻能测量出更准确的数据,来判定电池的充电和放电状态,从而帮助设计者满足汽油、柴油、混合
1. 简介 随着汽车安全重要性的凸显,行车辅助系统(Driving Assistance System,DAS)在汽车领域的应用越来越广泛。在这类应用中,图视觉系统是必不可少的一个组成部分,其必须快速、精确地感知各种路况,进而提前预警或控制车辆行为。这要求系统的前端----摄像头能够最大限度地适应不同的光照条件,提供路况场景的细节信息。 图1显示了汽车视觉系统的主要应用,包括前视、后视、侧视、内视等。以前视为例,夜视(Night Vision,NV)、车道偏离预警(Lane Departure Warning,LDW)、碰撞预警(Collision Warning,CW)、交通标志识别(Traffic Sig
高<font color='red'>动态</font><font color='red'>范围</font>CMOS图像传感器在汽车视觉系统中的应用
  如果谈资论辈,似乎再也没有像“动态范围压缩”这样堂而皇之地人为制造失真,反而受到好评的例子了!当然,除非你是狂热的音响“发烧友”,对声音质量绝不妥协。   更多的时候,你会权衡面积、器件成本、设计成本等因素,转而对动态范围压缩抛出橄榄枝。而TI首款具有动态范围压缩功能的立体声D类放大器的推出似乎也是情理之中的事情。   平常我们所说的动态范围是最强声音与最弱声音的强度差,单位用“db” 表示(即20Log10(P/Po))。一般语言的动态范围为20—40db,歌曲与音乐的动态范围为40—60db,交响乐的动态范围为70—120db。音频放大器的动态范围必须大于语言、音乐的动态范围。   “想唱就唱,唱的响亮”
<font color='red'>动态</font><font color='red'>范围</font>压缩,得到绝佳音质的好选择?
  图给出了单周期控制的Buck开关转换器的工作波形:ui、ur及 ui波形图中的阴影面积即为A。考虑到输人电压的纹波,ui的波形为直流电压和纹波电压的叠加。在图(a)中,给定电压ur=Ur为常数,在图(b)中,给定电压ur为一个阶跃函数。   图 单周期控制的Buck开关转换器的工作波形   主开关管V导通时,积分器的输出A上升;当其峰值等于Ur时,V关断,与此同时V1闭合;积分器立即复位回零,为下一个周期的积分做好准备。可知,A的峰值能较好地跟踪给定电压ur。A的变化率dA/dt等于输人电压ui(或与ui成正比),如果输人电压上升,则A的斜率变大,使A更快地达到ur,其结果是使占空比Du,减小;反之如果输人
高频开关电源的<font color='red'>单</font><font color='red'>周期</font>控制的Buck开关转换器的工作波形
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