
发布者:tnzph488最新更新时间:2015-07-20 来源: eefocus关键字:机器人  人工智能 手机看文章 扫描二维码
最近德国机器人杀人事件闹得沸沸扬扬,引发了人们对于机器人与人工智能安全方面的关注。华盛顿大学副教授Ryan Calo在积极推动对机器人与人工智能的立法。他认为,健全机器人与人工智能方面的法律监管,意义堪比互联网立法。






Recent headlines declaring "Robot Kills Man in Germany" are examples of growing news coverage about the impact of robots on society. This is the subject of a new law review article by a University of Washington faculty member.


An artist’s concept of a NASA robotic refueling mission. Shown here, cameras light the way as a tool from a robotic refueling mission approaches a satellite to cut wire, one of the steps to remotely accessing a satellite’s triple-sealed fuel valve.


Twenty years in, the law is finally starting to get used to the Internet. Now it is imperative, says Ryan Calo, assistant professor in the UW School of Law, that the law figure out how to deal effectively with the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence.


"Technology has not stood still. The same private institutions that developed the Internet, from the armed forces to search engines, have initiated a significant shift toward robotics and artificial intelligence," writes Calo in "Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw." His article, published in June in the California Law Review, is among the first to examine what the introduction of robotics and artificial intelligence means for law and policy.


Robotics, Calo adds, is shaping up to be the next transformative technology of our time: "Courts that struggled for the proper metaphor to apply to the Internet will struggle anew with robotics."


Though mention of robotics and artificial intelligence can prompt images of unstoppable Terminators and mutinous HAL 9000 computers, Calo dismisses such drama early on. "And yet," he adds, "the widespread distribution of robotics in society will, like the Internet, create deep social, cultural, economic and of course legal tensions" long before any such sci-fi-style future.


To Calo, robotics is essentially different than the Internet and so will raise different legal issues.


"Robotics combines, for the first time, the promiscuity of data with the capacity to do physical harm," Calo writes. "Robotic systems accomplish tasks in ways that cannot be anticipated in advance, and robots increasingly blur the line between person and instrument."


But does that mean robotics and artificial intelligence need different treatment under the law, or different laws entirely, than the technologies of which they are made, such as computers?


In the paper and a 2014 article in Slate on the same subject, Calo relates an anecdote about Chicago judge and law professor Frank Easterbrook, who in 1996 famously likened research in Internet law to studying "the law of the horse." Easterbrook felt any single approach is doomed to "be shallow and to miss unifying principles." Calo quotes science fiction writer Cory Doctorow, who in a response to Calo wrote in The Guardian that he could not think of a legal principle applicable to robots that would not also be usefully applied to the computer, and vice versa.


"I disagreed with Easterbrook then and I disagree with Doctorow now," Calo writes. "Robotics has a different set of essential qualities than the Internet, which animate a new set of legal puzzles."


Calo's conclusion is, in a sense, a follow-up to his 2014 call for the creation of a federal robotics commission: Robotics and artificial intelligence, he finds, have essentially different qualities than the law has yet faced.


"So I join a chorus of voices, from Bill Gates to the White House, to assume that robotics represents an idea whose time has come. The qualities, and the experiences they generate, occasion a distinct catalogue of legal and policy issues that sometimes do, and sometimes do not, echo the central questions of contemporary cyberlaw."


Calo, whom Business Insider named one of the most important people working in robotics, concludes, "Cyberlaw will have to engage, to a far greater degree, with the prospect of data causing physical harm, and to the line between speech and action. Rather than think of how code controls people, cyberlaw will think of what people can do to control code."


Calo's recent paper has already attracted commentary from a fellow legal scholar, Yale Law School's Jack. M. Balkin, who calls it a valuable discussion: "Calo's account of the problems that robotics present for law is just terrific, and I believe it is destined to be the starting point for much future research in the area."

关键字:机器人  人工智能 引用地址:避免伤害!机器人和人工智能如何立法?


推荐阅读最新更新时间:2024-05-02 23:49

什么是智能机器人?在2021高工机器人年会上,梅卡曼德CEO邵天兰给出的观点是:它要能适应环境,并且根据环境的变化作出相应动作,归结到技术就是“感知”,即机器人要知道看到的东西是什么,它的种类、位置等等,最后机器人还需自主做决策。 邵天兰认为,智能机器人面对的是更加复杂与多变的环境,这就导致智能机器人技术在规模化落地时也要面临更大的挑战: 第一,链条长。 智能机器人技术涉及光学、电子、3D成像、图像处理、深度学习、运动规划、几何分析等众多技术,技术链条很长。 第二,成本高。 优秀的光学/视觉算法/机器人算法工程师稀缺,人力成本高。 第三,产出慢。 从核心技术研发到可批量交付的成熟产品,过程复杂,周期很长。 第四,风险大
<font color='red'>AI</font>+<font color='red'>机器人</font>时代,梅卡曼德的智造路线与实践
日前,第八届中国汽车技术展暨第十八届中国金属冶金展在重庆国际博览中心开幕。在展会的智能制造专区,ABB、那智不二越、安川首钢、川畸四大全球机器人巨头首次同台亮相,现场演示了在焊接、冲压、装配等各大工艺领域的技能,吸引了大批工程师和专业人士驻足。重庆日报记者 罗斌 摄 (来源: 重庆日报 )
近日获悉,哈崎机器人(HachiBot)宣布完成数千万美元Pre-A轮融资,由北极光创投领投、梅花天使创投等基金和个人跟投。其中,微软全球原执行副总裁沈向洋及酷我音乐创始人、北京大学人工智能创新中心主任雷鸣为投资人和顾问。 谌振宇认为,机器人迈进千家万户的时代即将到来。“根据我的经验判断,这个时间点类似于1995年的互联网时代和2008年的移动Mobil时代爆发的前夕,这个节点上一定会有伟大的公司产生,这是一件因为能改变人类生活而有意义的事,我对公司未来充满信心和期待。” 北极光创始合伙人邓锋表示:“非常有幸在这个时点,能跟以谌振宇为核心的团队共同合作孵化该项目,北极光也带有共同的愿景。我们坚信,HachiBot能把世界带入机器人
刚满20岁的柯洁是围棋界的一个传奇:他曾是世界上最年轻的围棋三冠王,目前还是目前排名世界第一的职业围棋九段选手。但今年1月份,这位被认为是地球上最强的围棋手在与化身Master的AlphaGo2.0的对弈中吃过败仗。对于这次比赛,不少人都高呼“没有悬念”,几乎一边倒地认为AlphaGo会取得胜利。就连柯洁本人都说,要抱以“必胜的心态,必死的信念”。 AI对战人类的里程碑 回顾人机大战的历史,大致有三个里程碑似的事件。人工智能在三个不同的领域击败了人类,也使得人类对其产生了复杂的情感:一方面惊喜于其超凡的智慧,一方面又因此对它产生了畏惧。 第一件事是“深蓝”在国际象棋比赛中击败世界排名第一的选手。美国IBM公司生产的“深蓝”是
“智能问题看起来深不见底,我想这是值得我奉献一生的领域。” 在70年的人工智能浪潮中,马文·明斯基(Marvin Minsky)是一个如雷贯耳的名字,与机器学习、神经网络、虚拟现实、框架理论等热门名词紧紧联系在一起。他是定义和发展“人工智能”的先驱者之一,也是人工智能领域的首位图灵奖获得者,被尊称为“人工智能之父”。他的学术贡献璀璨夺目,横跨人工智能、机器人、图形与显微镜技术、数学、认知心理学等多个学科领域。 探究智能的狂热 1927年,Marvin Minsky出生于美国纽约的一个犹太家庭。他从小在私立学校接受教育,高中毕业后遵循犹太传统应征入伍,在二战末期经历了两年海军生涯。退伍后,他在哈佛大学主修数学,同时选
马文·明斯基,将一生奉献给了<font color='red'>人工智能</font>事业
  近年来,我国机器人产业快速发展。据国家统计局数据,2015年我国工业机器人产量为32996台,同比增长了21.7%。在机器人行业飞速发展的当下,你知道机器人行业具有实力的上市企业有哪些吗?   读者:小编,现在机器人行业很火,很多机床产商都跑去做机器人了。除了新松、华中数控这两个做机器人的大企业,你知道机器人行业具有实力的上市企业有哪些吗?   小编:小编对读者都是有求必应啊。这位读者提的这个问题非常好,小编查阅了一些资料,为大家列举出了以下部分机器人行业具有实力的上市企业供大家参考。希望小编的回答能让读者满意。   新松机器人   上市板块为创业板。新松公司是以机器人及自动化技术为核心,致力于数字化高端装备制造的高技术企
定义 机械手臂:是一种固定或移动式的机器,其构造通常由一系列相互链接或相对滑动的零件组成,工作方式主要通过沿着X、Y、Z轴上做线性运动以到达目标位置,从而实现物体的抓取或者移动,能够实现自动控制、可重复程序设计、多自由度(轴)。 工业机器人:按照ISO 8373定义为靠自身动力和控制能力来执行工作的机器装置,它可以接受人类指挥,也可以按照预先编排的程序运行,还可以根据人工智能技术制定的原则纲领行动。 两者相同之处 机械臂是一种机械装置,可以是自动的也可以是人为控制的; 工业机器人是一种自动化设备,机械臂是工业机器人的一种,工业机器人也有其它形式。 虽然两者含义不同,但是指代的内容有重合的部分。 所以简单来说,工业机器人的形式
四轴飞行器是一种利用四个旋翼作为飞行引擎来进行空中飞行的飞行器。进入20世纪以来,电子技术飞速发展四轴飞行器开始走向小型化,并融入了人工智能,使其发展趋于无人机,智能机器人。 四轴飞行器不但实现了直升机的垂直升降的飞行性能,同时也在一定程度上降低了飞行器机械结构的设计难度。四轴飞行器的平衡控制系统由各类惯性传感器组成。在制作过程中,对整体机身的中心、对称性以及电机性能要求较低,这也正是制作四轴飞行器的优势所在,而且相较于固定翼飞机,四轴也有着可垂直起降,机动性好,易维护等优点。 在实际应用方面,四轴飞行器可以在复杂、危险的环境下可以完成特定的飞行任务,也可以用于监控交通,环境等。比如,在四轴飞行器上安装甲烷等有害气体的检测装置,则
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