Error[e16]: Segment NEAR_ID (size: 0x15 align: 0) is too long for segment definition. At least 0xb more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the
segment placement command "-Z(CODE)TINY_ID,NEAR_ID=_..X_INTVEC_SIZE-_..X_FLASH_END", where at the moment of placement the available memory
ranges were "CODE:ff6-fff"
Reserved ranges relevant to this placement:
CODE:58-ff5 CODE
CODE:ff6-fff NEAR_ID
Error while running Linker
解决方法是更改C++/C优化等级到low mediunm 或者是high
关键字:IAR 编写程序 单片机
IAR 编写程序的代码比单片机的flash大了会出现故障Error[e16]
推荐阅读最新更新时间:2024-10-25 10:58
IAR 编写程序的代码比单片机的flash大了会出现故障Error[e16]
Error : Segment NEAR_ID (size: 0x15 align: 0) is too long for segment definition. At least 0xb more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command -Z(CODE)TINY_ID,NEAR_ID=_..X_INTVEC_SIZE-_..X_FLASH_END , where at the moment of placement the available memory ranges were CODE:ff6-ff
IAR 编译错解决Error[e16]
Error : Segment NEAR_Z (size: 0x16d align: 0) is too long for segment definition. At least 0x83 more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command -Z(DATA)NEAR_I,NEAR_Z,NEAR_N=_..X_SRAM_BASE-_..X_SRAM_END , where at the moment of placement the available memory ranges were DATA:37
【IAR警告】Error[e16]: Segment INTVEC 错误
Error : Segment INTVEC (size: 0xec align: 0x2) is too long for segment definition. At least 0xac more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command -Z(CODE)INTVEC=00-3F , where at the moment of placement the available memory ranges were CODE:0-3f Reserved ranges relevant to th
AVR单片机用progisp下载报错flash verify error at :0h
Atmega16用progisp下载报错flash verify error at :0h 一番辛苦查找原因,终于找到一个解决方案,可以参考一下。 首先,确保ATmega16单片机没有一直被复位,并且各个管脚连接完好。 其次,不要勾选“数据自动加载”来烧写。 再次,不要勾选“校验FLASH”。 这样估计就行了。 假如这样还会弹出同样的错误, 继续的解决方法是:在命令栏里先点击“擦除”,然后再点击“写入flsah”,这样就可以编程成功, 完成这些后,还可以“校验flash”也是没问题! 希望能帮你解决问题。祝你成功! 此乃一家之言,也不可能解决所有这样的问题。
新板子焊接好后,在编译下载的时候第一次遇到了这样的问题: Warning:STack pointer issetupto incorrect alignment. Stack addr = 0xAAAAAAAA 开始以为是调试器的问题,我用的Jlink的SWD接口模式,换了STLink还是这个毛病,后来提示需要板子初始化,试了无果,后来查看IAR的帮助文档发现是Flash被保护了,以下摘自Help文档: 按照说明,在IAR安装目录下找到指定的运行程序JLinkSTM32.exe(D:Program Files (x86)IAR SystemsEmbedded Workbench 6.0armbin)在JLink与
新板子焊接好后,在编译下载的时候第一次遇到了这样的问题: Warning: Stack pointer is setup to incorrect alignment. Stack addr = 0xAAAAAAAA 开始以为是调试器的问题,我用的Jlink的SWD接口模式,换了STLink还是这个毛病,后来提示需要板子初始化,试了无果,后来查看IAR的帮助文档发现是Flash被保护了,以下摘自Help文档: 按照说明,在IAR安装目录下找到指定的运行程序JLinkSTM32.exe(D:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.0\arm\bin)在JLink
STM32用IAR调试出现Error[Pe020]: identifier "FILE" is undefined 解决方法
这是在调试示例程序RTC中的Calendar时候遇到的问题,错误定位到PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE处 解决办法: 需要在IAR的Options - General Options - Library Configuration里设置一下函数库,不然printf函数不对,将Library Configuration 中的Library 设置由 Normal 改为 Full 就可以了。
IAR FOR STM8S 错误 An error occurred while retrieving GDI features: gdi-error [40201]解决方法
今早使用IAR调试编译调试一个工程,发现IAR竟然出现如下错误信息 An error occurred while retrieving GDI features: gdi-error : Can't access configuration database 在网上查看了一下,也有人出现这个问题,总体来说可以通过重装IAR debugger-support-files这个,解决问题。