The MAX860/MAX861 charge-pump voltage converters invert input voltages ranging from +1.5V to +5.5V, or double input voltages ranging from +2.5V to +5.5V. Because of their high switching frequencies, these devices use only two small, low-cost capacitors. Their 50mA output makes switching regulators unnecessary, eliminating inductors and their associated cost, size, and EMI. Greater than 90% efficiency over most of the load-current range, combined with a typical operating current of only 200µA (MAX860), provides ideal performance for both battery-powered and board-level voltage-conversion applications.
A frequency-control (FC) pin provides three switching-frequencies to optimize capacitor size and quiescent current and to prevent interference with sensitive circuitry. Each device has a unique set of three available frequencies. A shutdown (active-low SHDN) pin reduces current consumption to less than 1µA. The MAX860/MAX861 are suitable for use in applications where the ICL7660 and MAX660's switching frequencies are too low. The MAX860/MAX861 are available in 8-pin µMax and SO packages.
A frequency-control (FC) pin provides three switching-frequencies to optimize capacitor size and quiescent current and to prevent interference with sensitive circuitry. Each device has a unique set of three available frequencies. A shutdown (active-low SHDN) pin reduces current consumption to less than 1µA. The MAX860/MAX861 are suitable for use in applications where the ICL7660 and MAX660's switching frequencies are too low. The MAX860/MAX861 are available in 8-pin µMax and SO packages.
MAX860, MAX861 关键特性
MAX860, MAX861 pdf datasheet
MAX860, MAX861 应用/使用
手持式仪表(PDA、掌上电脑) | |
接口供电 | |
医疗仪器 | |
运算放大器电源 | |
便携式计算机 |
MAX860, MAX861 应用电路
典型工作电路 |
上一篇:MAX870, MAX871 开关电容电压反相器
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