Quamtum-SI DDR3仿真解析

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Quamtum-SI DDR3仿真解析

Automated DDR3 Analysis 
Quantum-SI 2008.04 automates signal integrity and timing analysis of DDR3 interfaces.  Enhancements include new DDR3-specific waveform quality checks and modeling of dynamic timing behaviors (write and read-leveling).  Quantum-SI simplifies the process of perform pre- and post-route DDR3 design analysis,  allowing designers to quickly establish their design's operating timing and voltage margins. 

DDR3 Signal Integrity Enhancements

The JEDEC DDR3 specification (JESD79-3A) defines a new waveform quality parameter, Time Beyond VAC, or TVAC.  This parameter defines the length of time a signal must spend beyond the AC thresholds in order for a transition to be considered valid.  This time is dependent on the slew rate of the signal at the receiver input. 

Ref: JESD79-3A, Page 162, Figure 101

Quantum-SI 2008.04 adds parameters the IBIS model that allow Quantum-SI to automatically determine whether TVAC requirements are being violated during waveform processing.  Violations are automatically flagged and included in the Waveform and Timing report.  Violations may also be annotated directly onto waveforms in the SiViewer simulation results display.

DDR3 Timing Analysis Enhancements

Quantum-SI 2008.04 supports two different types of timing models for DDR3 controllers:

Programmable timing models allow the user to directly control timing between CK and DQ/DQS on a per-lane basis.  These models are used to represent controllers that do not implement training sequences and do not perform automatic write-leveling.  The timing model in Quantum-SI is set up with the same tap offsets programmed in the actual system, and Quantum-SI performs integrated signal integrity and timing analysis to predict the system's operating margins. 

Dynamic timing models are used for controllers that support automatic write leveling.  The timing model describes the controller's ability to adjust its output timing, listing minimum / maximum adjustments and tap resolution.  Quantum-SI combines this information with the results of SI simulations to determine the design's optimal design margins (based on infinite tap resolution) and actual design margins (based on the controller's actual capabilities and tap resolution).  Quantum-SI also predicts which tap settings the design will use during actual operation.   The resulting information is output in the Waveform and Timing report, as shown below.

Users can utilize this new section of the Waveform and Timing report even if they aren't using a device with programmable output timing.  Quantum-SI always computes and displays the optimal timing shift for centering design margins, even when the driving device doesn't have adjustable output timing.  Designers can use this information to implement a timing shift using PCB etch to center design setup/hold margins.   Thus, this new report can be used to drive post-route timing adjustments for designs other than DDR3 interfaces.

DDR3 Design Kits

Architectural Design Kits are available for both registered and unbuffered DDR3 implementations. These kits are free to Quantum-SI users under maintenance and can be obtained through regular support channels.  Implementation kits are available for select controllers and memory configurations, and customized kits can be developed on demand. For more information on DDR3 Implementation kits, please contact your SiSoft Sales Representative.

SiViewer Enhancements

Waveform Violation Integration

Waveform violations flagged by the Quantum-SI engine during waveform processing can now be annotated directly on the waveform display. Users can control which classes of violations are annotated under "Display Preferences / Violations". More information about a specific waveform violation can be obtained by positioning the cursor over one of the violation markers, which causes the violation details to be displayed in a pop-up window, as shown below: 

S-Parameter Display Improvements

SiViewer can directly open S-parameter files and display the data.  The 2008.04 release includes numerous display and robustness improvements, including the ability to display results for sparsely populated S-parameter data sets.

Eye Mask Library

A library of standard eye masks is now included with SiViewer, which allows masks to be selected from a drop-down menu.  Users can quickly customize and add their own definitions to the eye mask library, which includes support for both simple and advanced compliance masks.

Split View in Eye and FFT Modes

Eye diagram and Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) display modes can now be displayed in a side-by-side format, in addition to displaying regular waveform data in a side-by-side format.

Export Waveforms in .CSV format

Data can now be exported from the waveform display to an external file in .CSV format.  This allows SiViewer to be used for cropping, scaling and shifting waveform data, then saving resulting waveforms to an external file, either for subsequent processing or for display at a later date.

Cadence Simulation Output (.sim) File Support

SiViewer now directly reads waveform output from Cadence Design Systems PCB SI tools (.sim files). This simplifies the process of comparing and correlating simulation results between tools.

Improved CAD support

Quantum-SI's integration with different CAD systems has been improved in the 2008.04 release. Split plane information is now imported from BoardStation and PADS databases (split plane import from Allegro was already supported). Quantum-SI produces a report that lists where traces cross various layout features (splits, other traces, via anti-pads). Post-layout simulations in Quantum-SI vary trace models based on changes in the cross-section along the length of the trace.

Quantum-SI 2008.04 includes improved package import from Allegro.  Package designs using wire bonds can be linked into multi-board analysis setups and Quantum-SI will automatically create a simulation model for the wirebond from information in the Allegro database.

Panning in Schematic Editor

Continuous panning is now available in the schematic editor by holding down the middle mouse button.  This change makes Quantum-SI panning consistent with the way panning is performed in most other tools. 

Unified Installer, Updated Licensing

The 2008.04 software installer includes Quantum-SI, standalone SiViewer and Quantum-Channel Designer.  The standalone version of SiViewer has been updated to use a Quantum-SI viewer license when no standalone SiViewer licenses are available.  This allows users with Quantum-SI 300 seats (which include multiple viewer licenses) to run SiViewer separately to view Quantum-SI results, view S-parameter data, or display HSPICE (.tr0) simulation results.

关键字:Quamtum-SI  DDR3  仿真 编辑:神话 引用地址:Quamtum-SI DDR3仿真解析


推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-12 20:31

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Trimedia DSP芯片JTAG接口的仿真器设计
  Trimedia集成电路是Philips公司新近推出的针对多媒体应用的一种高性能DSP。它能够进行高质量的视频和音频处理,可以通过在线调试工具——JTAG来开发Trimedia DSP的各种资源和调试各种应用程序。为了能够满足研发、生产上对系统编程及工程上对现场调试的需要,开发了使用方便、成本低的仿真器。   1 仿真器硬件电路组成   图1为系统的组成框图。整个仿真器的功能可以由1片可编程逻辑器件来完成。图1中有两个接口:一个与Trimedia DSP的JTAG接口相连,另一个连接到计算机的并行接口。 之所以采用计算机的增强型并行接口,是因为现在一般的计算机都有如下几种端口:串行接口、并行接口、USB接口。串行接
  1 分布式电源并网逆变器系统设计   1.1 DC-DC变换器   DC-DC变换器是通过半导体阀器件的 开关 动作将直流电压先变为交流电压,经整流后又变为极性和电压值不同的直流电压的电路,这里要阐述的是中间经过变压器耦合的直流间接变换电路。DC-DC变换器在将直流电压变换为交流电压时频率是任意可选的,因此使用高频变压器能使变压器和电感等磁性元件和平波用 电容器 小型轻量化。如今,随着半导体阀器件的进步,输出功率为100 W以上的电源实际上采用的开关频率都在20~500kHz范围内,MHz级高频变换器也在开发研究之中。而且,通过变换频率的高频化,可以使平波用电容的容量减小,从而能够使用 陶瓷电容 等高可靠性的元件。而且,本
基于分布式电源并网逆变器控制策略与<font color='red'>仿真</font>研究
1.安装 仿真器: 首先,安装AVRStudio4.19或其他版本,成功安装后,将MKIIusb连接到电脑上,会自动识别。如果不识别,应该是AVR Studio安装时,AVR Jungo USB控件被拦截没有安装成功。重新完整安装AVR Studio即可。我第一次安装时,显示安装不成功,在设备管理器中,将其卸载,重新将MKII的USB插上,自动识别,并安装成功了。 2.使用 MKII有ISP和JTAG两种烧写形式,默认情况为JTAG形式。使用方法和普通的AVR JTAG相似,具体见产品说明书。
摘要:介绍以TMS320F240为核心,设计IDE接口仿零点器的硬件和软件设计方法。突出特点是硬件设计简练实用,监控软件精巧灵活。在设计嵌入式系统调试工具中具有典型性和实用性,对其它系统的调试也借鉴作用。 关键词:仿真器 监控程序 硬件调试 IDE接口 随着航空电子系统数字化的发展,机载嵌入式计算机逐步摆脱了“纯粹嵌入”时代,开始以主要控制角色而显露头脚。其存储系统也和地面计算机系统一样,提出了“海量存储”的要求。借鉴和使用IDE接品时一条重要途径。但在调试时一般缺乏IDE接口主方(Host)控制器。PC机虽然带有两个标准的集成在主板上的IDE接口,但在目前的Widows系统下却是透明的,无法在硬件调试级进行控制驱动。“工欲
#include stm32f4xx.h #include delay.h #include seg.h #include timer.h unsigned int nian = 2020; char yue = 7; char ri = 16; char shi = 9; char fen = 31; char miao = 30; u8 bs=0;//存储时间的变量 u8 date ={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//数据 u16 address ={0x0101,0x0102,0x0104,0x0108,0x0110,0x0120,0x0140,0x0180};//位码 char wendu = Date: ;
STM32电子时钟1602显示<font color='red'>仿真</font>加程序
    摘要: 采用数字与模拟混合控制技术,利用多种声源的组合,实现了飞机发动机音响及环境音响的仿真。     关键词: 音响  噪声  频率  幅值     单片机综合服务网ISDN拨入电话(010)62770940     单片机综合服务网ISDN拨入电话(010)62770940     飞行模拟器在整个飞行过程中不仅给飞行员提供逼真的视觉、力感和动感而且还要有逼真的音响效果使飞行员感到身临其境,帮助飞行员从听觉上能正确判断出飞机的飞行状态。音响效果的仿真主要有模拟式和数字式两种,模拟式仿真音响适合于实时控制,数字式仿真音响逼真度高。本文依据飞机发动机的频谱
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