基于LPC2939设计的MCU USB接口技术

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基于LPC2939设计的MCU USB接口技术

LPC2939是NXP公司的集成了两个TCM 的ARM968E-S CPU 核的MCU,工作频率高达125MHz,并集成了全速USB 2.0主/OTG/设备控制器,CAN和LIN,56kB SRAM,768kB闪存以及外接存储器接口,三个10位ADC,多个串行和并行接口.主要用在消费类电子,工业,医疗和通信市场.本文介绍了LPC2939主要特性, 方框图,以及各种USB,USB OTG接口方框图.

LPC2939: ARM9 microcontroller with CAN, LIN, and USB


The LPC2939 combine an ARM968E-S CPU core with two integrated TCM blocks operating at frequencies of up to 125 MHz, Full-speed USB 2.0 Host/OTG/Device controller, CAN and LIN, 56 kB SRAM, 768 kB flash memory, external memory interface,three 10-bit ADCs, and multiple serial and parallel interfaces in a single chip targeted at consumer, industrial, medical, and communication markets. To optimize system power

consumption, the LPC2939 has a very flexible Clock Generation Unit (CGU) that provides dynamic clock gating and scaling.


ARM968E-S processor running at frequencies of up to 125 MHz maximum.

Multilayer AHB system bus at 125 MHz with four separate layers.

On-chip memory:

Two Tightly Coupled Memories (TCM), 32 kB Instruction (ITCM), 32 kB Data TCM (DTCM)

Two separate internal Static RAM (SRAM) instances; 32 kB SRAM and 16 kB SRAM

8 kB ETB SRAM, also usable for code execution and data

768 kB high-speed flash program memory

16 kB true EEPROM, byte-erasable/programmable

Dual-master, eight-channel GPDMA controller on the AHB multilayer matrix which can be used with the SPI interfaces and the UARTs, as well as for memory-to-memory transfers including the TCM memories

External Static Memory Controller (SMC) with eight memory banks; up to 32-bit data bus; up to 24-bit address bus

Serial interfaces:

USB 2.0 full-speed Host/OTG/Device controller with dedicated DMA controller and on-chip device PHY

Two-channel CAN controller supporting FullCAN and extensive message filtering

Two LIN master controllers with full hardware support for LIN communication. The LIN interface can be configured as UART to provide two additional UART interfaces.

Two 550 UARTs with 16-byte Tx and Rx FIFO depths, DMA support, modem control, and RS-485/EIA-485 (9-bit) support

Three full-duplex Q-SPIs with four slave-select lines; 16 bits wide; 8 locations deep;Tx FIFO and Rx FIFO

Two I2C-bus interfaces

Other peripherals:

One 10-bit ADC with 5.0 V measurement range and eight input channels with conversion times as low as 2.44 s per channel

Two 10-bit ADCs, 8-channels each, with 3.3 V measurement range provide an additional 16 analog inputs with conversion times as low as 2.44 s per channel. Each channel provides a compare function to minimize interrupts.

Multiple trigger-start option for all ADCs: timer, PWM, other ADC, and external signal input

Four 32-bit timers each containing four capture-and-compare registers linked to I/Os

Four six-channel PWMs (Pulse-Width Modulators) with capture and trap functionality

Two dedicated 32-bit timers to schedule and synchronize PWM and ADC

Quadrature encoder interface that can monitor one external quadrature encoder

32-bit watchdog with timer change protection, running on safe clock

Up to 152 general-purpose I/O pins with programmable pull-up, pull-down, or bus keeper

Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC) with 16 priority levels

Up to 22 level-sensitive external interrupt pins, including USB, CAN and LIN wake-up features

Configurable clock-out pin for driving external system clocks

Processor wake-up from power-down via external interrupt pins and CAN or LIN activity

Flexible Reset Generator Unit (RGU) able to control resets of individual modules

Flexible Clock-Generation Unit (CGU) able to control clock frequency of individual modules:

On-chip very low-power ring oscillator; fixed frequency of 0.4 MHz; always on to provide a Safe_Clock source for system monitoring

On-chip crystal oscillator with a recommended operating range from 10 MHz to 25 MHz. PLL input range 10 MHz to 25 MHz.

On-chip PLL allows CPU operation up to a maximum CPU rate of 125 MHz

Generation of up to 11 base clocks

Seven fractional dividers

Second, dedicated CGU with its own PLL generates USB clocks and a configurable clock output

Highly configurable system Power Management Unit (PMU):

clock control of individual modules

allows minimization of system operating power consumption in any configuration

Standard ARM test and debug interface with real-time in-circuit emulator

Boundary-scan test supported

ETM/ETB debug functions with 8 kB of dedicated SRAM also accessible for application code and data storage

Dual power supply:

CPU operating voltage: 1.8 V  5 %

I/O operating voltage: 2.7 V to 3.6 V; inputs tolerant up to 5.5 V

208-pin LQFP package




图4.LPC2939 USB OTG端口配置:USB端口1 OTG双任务设备,USB端口2主机

图5.LPC2939 USB OTG端口配置:USB端口1主机,USB端口2主机

图6.LPC2939 USB OTG端口配置:USB端口2设备,USB端口1主机

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推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-12 20:39

一、DSP的串行接口技术   DSP是一种独特的微处理器,是以数字信号来处理大量信息的器件。其工作原理是接收模拟信号,转换为0或1的数字信号。再对数字信号进行修改、删除、强化,并在其他系统芯片中把数字数据解译回模拟数据或实际环境格式。它不仅具有可编程性,而且其实时运行速度可达每秒数以千万条复杂指令程序,远远超过通用微处理器,是数字化电子世界中日益重要的电脑芯片。它的强大数据处理能力和高运行速度,是最值得称道的两大特色。   如今,嵌入式系统正迅速向低功耗、低成本、小体积、高性能、高速率方向发展。随着串行接口技术的不断成熟,逐步达到了以上设计要求,成为重要的接口方案。尤其在数字信号处理器方面,串行口的重要性体现得更加突出,几
SN 8 位单片机 SN8P2743 应用实践(4)
接 汇编测试程序: B_COM0SS:;比较器CM0: CLR CM0M ; 清CM0M 寄存器。; 复位比较器CM0。 ;设置比较器CM0 的功能模式。 ;B0BCLR FCM0SF ; 普通比较器模式。 B0BSET FCM0SF ; 特殊功能模式。 ;设置比较器CM0 的输出引脚。 B0BCLR FCM0OEN ; 禁止比较器CM0 的输出引脚。 ---- 没有输出引脚 ; B0BSET FCM0OEN ; 使能比较器CM0 的输出引脚。 ;比较器不要外部输出引脚时,接口板上芯片插座引脚是普通I/O,比较器引脚则仍然是比较
#include reg52.h #include intrins.h //调用库函数 #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char void delay(uint);//延时函数 uchar a,b; void main() { a=0xfe; while(1) { P1=a; delay(500); a=_crol_(a,1);//利用库函数实现流水灯的左移 } } void delay(uint z) { uint i,j; for(i=z;i 0;i--) for(j=110;j 0;j--); }
ByteBlaster 下载线 电路 图 ByteBlaster MV 下载线电路图 ByteBlaster II 下载线电路图 Ispdown下载线接口标准 Atmel 单片机 的编程 一、AT89S系列的ISP方法 1、AT89S系列ISP原理图如图所示(以89S51为例,其它同)。 2、AT89S8252,AT89S8253内部还有数据EEPROM可以在线编程。 3、单片机RESET管脚的使用说明。 如果复位电路由RC电路组成则RESET管脚可以直接相连接。 AVR系列的ISP方法 1、AVR系列ISP原理图如图所示。 2、AVR内部还有数据EEPROM
几款<font color='red'>单片机</font>下载线应用电路
试分别编写延时20ms和1s的程序。设fosc=6MHz。 参考答案: yh equ 20h yl equ 21h x equ 22h start: mov a,x mov dptr,#tab movc a,@a+dptr mov yh,a mov a,x add a,#1 movc a,@a+dptr mov yl,a here: sjmp here tab: dw 1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,729
2051单片机和荧光数码管电子数字钟设计读红外代码子程序******************************* org 0290h tt1:push dph ;保护现场 push dpl push acc push psw jb 07h,ttt0 ;全部动作未完成则返回 jb 00h,ttt1 ;如果收到遥控引导码则进入接收识别模式 mov th1,#00h ;清T1,为接收做准备 mov tl1,#00h setb 00h ;设接收遥控波头准备好标志位 setb tr1 ;开T1中断 sjmp ttt0 ttt1:setb psw.4 ;进入区2 clr psw.3 mov a,th1 ;将收到的第一个遥控波头存到30h
51单片机给我们提供了2个计时器中断,分别是计时器0和计时器1,他们对应的优先级分别是1和3,开启计时器并允许其中断后,计时器会从给定的初始值开始,每个指令周期加1,直到加到65535,再加一时计时器溢出,计时器此时会进入中断,并执行中断服务函数。 虽然书上讲的很清楚了,但实际使用还是有些许差别,我自己是这样理解的 65536-50000的由来 假设我使用的单片机的晶振为12MHZ,其机器周期是1us,即每1us产生一次计数 如果设计一个1s的定时器,理论上是需要1*10^6个机器周期,但定时器T0只能对机器周期能进行最大65536次计数,很明显已经超过了,并不能直接采用T0的默认值 转下思维模式,取个65535之内的整数值,
用C51<font color='red'>单片机</font>的外部中断设计1s定时器
KT0206是天惠微代理昆腾KT Mico全新一代低功耗集成FLASH,功率放大器,DSP音效的芯片。具有风声消除,静噪,虚拟环绕,3D漫步,变声等效果。适用于手机声卡和游戏耳机音效等应用场景。KT0206由于更高的集成度,该模组外围电路得到了进一步精简,可以使模组小型化设计。 手机直播方案 KT0206模块性能 高性能DAC(24bits 8~96KHZ) 集成DSP音效 内置低噪声麦克风预防大和偏置电路(躁低5uVrms,增益-6db~44db可调) 集成耳机功率放大器,无POP音,无需隔直电容(驱动16/32ohm,最大功率60mM) 音频插入检测,耳机麦克风检测 集成OMTP和CtIA耳机自动识别,自动适配 支
昆腾KT0206芯片模组方案应用于<font color='red'>USB</font>手机直播声卡游戏耳机虚拟音效
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