
最新更新时间:2012-02-22来源: 21ic关键字:太阳能逆变器  三相逆变器  双核 手机看文章 扫描二维码

    Freescale公司的PXS20是32位双核双发射的Power Architecture微控制器,满足安全标准IEC61511和IEC61508 (SIL3),能降低设计复杂性和减少所用元件.PXS20采用高性能的e200z4d双核,核频率高达120MHz,双发射级流水线核,可变长度编码(VLE),集成了存储器管理单元(MMU)和信号处理引擎,带误差检测代码的4KB指令缓存,主要用在消费类电子,工业控制,太阳能逆变器,机器人和马达控制等.本文介绍了PXS20主要特性,方框图,以及采用PXS20控制的太阳能三相逆变器基本架构,1kW, 3kW,10kW和大于10kW以及微逆变器的太阳能三相逆变器解决方案架构图.

    The PXS20 family of 32-bit Power Architecture® microcontrollers is designed to specifically address the requirements of the safety standards IEC61511 and IEC61508 (SIL3). It reduces design complexity and component count by putting key functional safety features on a single chip with a dual-core, dual-issue architecture, which can be statically switched between lockstep mode (redundant processing and calculations) to decoupled parallel mode (independent core operation). The PXS20 microcontrollers are SafeAssure solutions.

    The PXS20 series microcontrollers are system-on-chip devices that are built on Power Architecture technology and contain enhancements that improve the architecture’s fit in embedded applications, include additional instruction support for digital signal processing (DSP) and integrate technologies such as an enhanced time processor unit, enhanced queued analog-to-digital converter, Controller Area Network, and an enhanced modular input-output system.

    The PXS20 family of 32-bit microcontrollers is the latest achievement in integrated safety controllers. The advanced and cost-efficient host processor core of the PXS20 family complies with the Power Architecture embedded category. It operates at speeds as high as 120 MHz and offers high-performance processing optimized for low power consumption. It capitalizes on the available development infrastructure of current Power Architecture devices and is supported with software drivers, operating systems and configuration code to assist with users’ implementations.


• High-performance e200z4d dual core

– 32-bit Power Architecture® technology CPU

– Core frequency as high as 120 MHz

– Dual issue five-stage pipeline core

– Variable Length Encoding (VLE)

– Memory Management Unit (MMU)

– 4 KB instruction cache with error detection code

– Signal processing engine (SPE)

• Memory available

– 1 MB flash memory with ECC

– 128 KB on-chip SRAM with ECC

– Built-in RWW capabilities for EEPROM emulation

• SIL3/ASILD innovative safety concept: LockStep mode and Fail-safe protection

Sphere of replication (SoR) for key components (such as CPU core, eDMA, crossbar switch)

– Fault collection and control unit (FCCU)

– Redundancy control and checker unit (RCCU) on outputs of the SoR connected to FCCU

– Boot-time Built-In Self-Test for Memory (MBIST) and Logic (LBIST) triggered by hardware

– Boot-time Built-In Self-Test for ADC and flash memory triggered by software

– Replicated safety enhanced watchdog

– Replicated junction temperature sensor

– Non-maskable interrupt (NMI)

– 16-region memory protection unit (MPU)

– Clock monitoring units (CMU)

– Power management unit (PMU)

– Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) unit

• Decoupled Parallel mode for high-performance use of replicated cores

• Nexus Class 3+ interface

• Interrupts

– Replicated 16-priority controller

– Replicated 16-channel eDMA controller

• GPIOs individually programmable as input, output or special function

• Three 6-channel general-purpose eTimer units

• 2 FlexPWM units

– Four 16-bit channels per module

• Communications interfaces

– 2 LINFlexD channels

– 3 DSPI channels with automatic chip select generation

– 2 FlexCAN interfaces (2.0B Active) with 32 message objects

FlexRay module (V2.1 Rev. A) with 2 channels, 64 message buffers and data rates up to 10 Mbit/s

• Two 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)

– 16 input channels

– Programmable cross triggering unit (CTU) to synchronize ADCs conversion with timer and PWM

• Sine wave generator (D/A with low pass filter)

• On-chip CAN/UART bootstrap loader

• Single 3.0 V to 3.6 V voltage supply

• Ambient temperature range –40℃ to 125℃

• Junction temperature range –40℃ to 150℃



Boiler Heating Control Industrial

Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

Input-Output Control (I/O Control)

Off-Grid Solar Power Inverters

Commercial Solar Power Inverters

Residential Solar Power Inverters

Unmanned Vehicles (Ground, Air, Water)

Motion Control

Process Control

Robot Manipulator  

Robotic Arm  


Anesthesia Unit Monitor  

Ventilators and Respirators  

Motor Control

Stepper Motor

图1. PXS20方框图


    Solar Panel 3-Phase Inverter Controlled by the PXS20

    Today, the demand for green energy is very strong. One possible option for meeting this demand is to convert solar energy into electrical energy. This process is supported by the photovoltaic (PV) solar panel, which produces various DC output voltages and output power.

    In the conversion from DC to AC power, dedicated inverters maintain the right working point for the solar panel to maximize its use of solar energy. Freescale Semiconductor’s processors built on Power Architecture® technology are well suited for the control of such inverters. Freescale offers a broad portfolio of PX microcontrollers built on Power Architecture technology for power management and motor control applications. The target portfolio for these devices includes consumer, industrial, and other markets. One microcontroller from the PX Series of Power Architecture devices can control the whole 3-phase inverter in various configurations and output power.



    The demonstrator uses a standard PXS20 controller board and a 3-phase inverter analog board that can support an H-bridge or H5 topology. The input of each phase is represented by the isolated 15V DC power supplies (replacing the solar panels in this demonstrator). The control and measurement circuitry can be powered by the separated DC power source, or by one of the phase power sources.







关键字:太阳能逆变器  三相逆变器  双核 编辑:探路者 引用地址:FreescalePXS20三相太阳能逆变器解决方案


推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-18 16:25

彻底看穿双核CPU Intel与AMD多核处理器剖解
一、双核心的由来 所谓双核心处理器,简单地说就是在一块CPU基板上集成两个处理器核心,并通过并行总线将各处理器核心连接起来。双核心并不是一个新概念,而只是CMP(Chip Multi Processors,单芯片多处理器)中最基本、最简单、最容易实现的一种类型。其实在RISC处理器领域,双核心甚至多核心都早已经实现。CMP最早是由美国斯坦福大学提出的,其思想是在一块芯片内实现SMP(Symmetrical Multi-Processing,对称多处理)架构,且并行执行不同的进程。早在上个世纪末,惠普和IBM就已经提出双核处理器的可行性设计。IBM 在2001年就推出了基于双核心的POWER4处理器,随后是Sun和惠普公司,都
三相逆变器电路 图2三相逆变器电路图 三相逆变器在正常工作时,其电路结构如图所示。 图中Qi(i=1,2,3,4,5,6)是开关器件,电阻R为负载,电感L、电容C组成滤波电路(这样的负载在UPS中很常用),Us为直流侧的供电电源,在图1中为滤波电容两端电压Ud。
<font color='red'>三相逆变器</font>电路图
1. 引言 在大多数情况下,DC-AC逆变器的拓朴是基于一个由太阳能电池直接馈电的 全桥 电路 拓朴,如图1所示。 图1 具有全桥电路的太阳能逆变器 然而,当太阳能电池的 电压 较低或变化较大时,在太阳能电池板后插入一个 升压 变换器,就能给全桥电路提供一个恒定的DC电压,如图2所示。 图2 具有升压斩波器和全桥电路的太阳能逆变器 全桥电路也可以简化成一个相臂与一个 电容 分压器的组合。但是,与全桥电路相比较,在同样的输出功率下,这个相臂必须承受2倍的 电流 。因为功率模块具有非常对称的设计,所以只要将桥式电路的2个相臂 并联 就能很容易地形成一个具有2倍电流容量的
一种用于高效率<font color='red'>太阳能逆变器</font>的新型紧凑型功率模块系列
如图所示,这是ADI的客户Solar Edge推出的全新一代HDV5太阳能逆变器,相比较前一代,减少了16倍的磁器件,效率提高到99%,体积是原来的一半,重量是原来的一半,散热器件比原来少了2.5倍。、   Solar Edge指出,虽然这些年太阳能逆变器取得了进展,但磁性元件和冷却元件的大尺寸已经明显限制了逆变器的跨越性发展。Solar Edge强调,基于优化光伏解决方案的跟踪记录,Solar Edge已经开发出一种新型电源转换拓扑结构,表明在过去的20年中太阳能技术取得了最重要的飞跃。 作为Solar Edge的供应商,ADI推出了全新混合信号控制处理器,为Solar Edge
ADI推出最适合<font color='red'>太阳能逆变器</font>用高精度电源转换平台CM41X
随着绿色电力运动势头不减,包括家电、照明和电动工具等应用,以至其他工业用设备都在尽可能地利用太阳能的优点。为了有效地满足这些产品的需求,电源设计师正通过最少数量的器件、高度可靠性和耐用性,以高效率把太阳能源转换成所需的交流或者直流电压。         要为这些应用以高效率生产所需的交流输出电压和电流,太阳能逆变器就需要控制、驱动器和输出功率器件的正确组合。要达到这个目标,在这里展示了一个针对500W功率输出进行优化,并且拥有120V及60Hz频率的单相正弦波的直流到交流逆变器设计。在这个设计中,有一个DC/DC电压转换器连接到光伏电池板,为这个功率转换器提供200V直流输入。不过在这里没有提供太阳能电池板的详细资料,因为那
   微型逆变器具有体积小巧、可以灵活安装在房顶或墙壁上、转化效率高以及价格相对便宜等优势,非常适合家庭使用。国内很多公司已经开始了对微型逆变器的研发和生产,并形成了很大的出口规模。    太阳能电池板的输出不同于一般直流供电设备的输出,其输出I-V特性曲线与光照、温度等环境因素密切相关,工作点的电压电流值在曲线上随负载的变化而变化。为最大化太阳能电池板的输出功率,逆变器往往还需要具有峰值功率追踪功能,保证工作点始终处于I-V曲线上的最大功率点附近。对逆变器进行设计、开发与认证的关键是要在不同的环境条件下(即不同的I-V曲线上) 测试验证逆变器的输入输出特性。   测试的主要内容包括:开发和验证逆变器峰值功率跟踪
微型<font color='red'>太阳能逆变器</font>测试及相关认证
摩托罗拉4G双核新贵Photon 4G即将开卖
      双核处理器已经成为近段时间推出的中高端智能机中的基础配置了,一个月之前摩托罗拉发布了与Sprint合作的4G网络新机Photon 4G,该机同样拥有Tegra 2的1GHz处理器,这款新机预计将在本月底上市。       摩托罗拉Photon 4G整机重量约158克,机身尺寸为66.9×126.9×12.2mm,配备了4.3英寸qHD分辨率触摸屏,内置Tegra 2双核1GHz处理器,拥有16GB内置存储空间,后盖设计有支架可以观看电影,手机安装Android 2.3版姜饼系统,配有800万像素摄像头和VGA前置摄像头,支持720p视频拍摄和1080p视频播放。       此外,由于Photon 4G内置Te
本文从对比两颗分立MCU与单芯片双核MCU开始(以LPC4350为例),展开介绍了非对称双核MCU的基础知识与重要特点。接下来,重点介绍了核间通信的概念与几种实现方式,尤其是基于消息池的控制/状态通信。然后,对内核互斥、初始化流程等一些重要的细节展开了论述。最后提出了双核任务分工的两种应用模型,并分别举例。 背景与基本概念 在开发MCU应用系统时,如果单颗MCU无法满足系统的要求,一个很普遍的做法就是使用两颗或更多的MCU,把一部分“杂项工作”分配给另一个有“助理”性质的低端MCU来完成。但是,采用两颗MCU,缺点也很明显,尤其是在芯片与PCB成本、系统可靠性及功耗方面都有先天的不足。此外,若采用了不同架构的MCU,还
应用非对称<font color='red'>双核</font>MCU增强系统性能
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