FAN302HL: mWSaver™ PWM Controller for Low Standby Power Battery-Charger Applications
This highly integrated PWM controller, FAN302HL, provides several features to enhance the performance of general flyback converters. The constant-current control, proprietary topology enables simplified circuit designs without secondary feedback circuitry for batterycharger applications. A proprietary Burst-Mode function with low operation current minimizes standby power consumption.
The FAN302HL controller also provides several protections. Cycle-by-cycle current limiting ensures the fixed peak current limit level, even if a short circuit occurs. The gate output is clamped at 15V to protect the power MOS from high gate-source voltage conditions. If either VS OVP or internal OTP is triggered, the circuit enters Latch Mode until AC power is removed.
Using FAN302HL, a charger can be implemented with few external components and minimized cost, compared to a conventional design or a linear transformer.
mWSaver™ Technology Provides Industry’s Bestin-Class Standby Power
- Achieve Under 10mW; Far Below Energy Star’s 5-Star Level (<30mW)
- Proprietary 500V High-Voltage JFET Startup Reduces Startup Resistor Loss
- Low Operation Current in Burst Mode: Maximum 350μA
Constant-Current (CC) Control without Secondary-Feedback Circuitry
Fixed PWM Frequency at 85kHz with Frequency Hopping to Solve EMI Problem
Low Operating Current: 3.5mA
Peak-Current-Mode Control in CV Regulation
Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
VDD Over-Voltage Protection (Auto-Restart)
VS Over-Voltage Protection (Latch Mode)
VDD Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
Gate Output Maximum Voltage Clamped at 15V
Fixed Over-Temperature Protection (Latch Mode)
Available in an 8-Lead SOIC Package
Battery chargers for cellular phones, cordless phones, PDA, digital cameras, and power tools. Replaces linear transformers and RCC SMPS.
图1. FAN302HL方框图
图2. 简化的反激转换器电路图
图3. FAN302HL HV起动电路图
图4. FAN302HL典型应用电路图
FAN302HL 5V / 1A PSR手机电池充电器
FAN302HL 5V / 1A PSR Mobile Phone Battery Charger
This document describes a 5W power supply using a FAN302HL device. This power supply is targeted for mobile phone battery chargers with a 10mW solution and requiring high efficiency.
To get the standby power consumption lower than 10mW at 230VAC, the FAN302HL has functions to enhance the standby power consumption, including proprietary Burst Mode with lower operation current under light-load conditions and built-in HV startup circuitry in the IC side to reduce startup resistor power loss.
Using FAN302HL, a charger can be implemented with the few external components and minimized cost.
图5.PSR 5V/1A手机电池充电器
图6.PSR 5V/1A手机电池充电器电路图
PSR 5V/1A手机电池充电器材料清单:
图7.PSR 5V/1A手机电池充电器PCB布局图:上:顶层,下:底层
推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-18 16:29
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