
最新更新时间:2012-03-14来源: 电子产品世界关键字:电源管理  热插拔  ADC 手机看文章 扫描二维码

     The ADM1275 is a hot-swap controller that allows a circuit board to be removed from or inserted into a live backplane. It also features current and voltage readback via an integrated 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), accessed using a PMBus™ interface.

     The load current is measured using an internal current sense amplifier that measures the voltage across a sense resistor in the power path via the SENSE+ and SENSE− pins. A default limit of 20 mV is set, but this limit can be adjusted, if required, using a resistor divider network from the internal reference voltage to the ISET pin.

     The ADM1275 limits the current through the sense resistor by controlling the gate voltage of an external N-channel FET in the power path, via the GATE pin. The sense voltage—and, therefore, the load current—is maintained below the preset maximum. The ADM1275 protects the external FET by limiting the time that the FET remains on while the current is at its maximum value. This current limit time is set by the choice of capacitor connected to the TIMER pin. In addition, a foldback resistor network can be used to actively lower the current limit as the voltage across the FET is increased. This helps to maintain constant power in the FET and allows the safe operating area (SOA) to be adhered to in an effective manner.

     In case of a short-circuit event, a fast internal overcurrent detec-tor responds within 370 ns and signals the gate to shut down. A 1500 mA pull-down device ensures a fast FET response. The ADM1275 features overvoltage and undervoltage protection, programmed using external resistor dividers on the UV and OV pins. A PWRGD signal can be used to detect when the output supply is valid, using the FLB pin to monitor the output. GPO pins can be configured as various output signals that can be asserted when a programmed current or voltage level is reached.

     The 12-bit ADC can measure the current in the sense resistor, as well as the supply voltage on the SENSE+ pin or the output voltage. A PMBus interface allows a controller to read current and voltage data from the ADC. Measurements can be initiated by a PMBus command. Alternatively, the ADC can run continu-ously, and the user can read the latest conversion data whenever required. Up to four unique PMBus addresses can be selected, depending on the way that the ADR pin is connected.

     The ADM1275-1 and ADM1275-3 are available in a 20-lead QSOP and 20-lead LFCSP and have a LATCH pin that can be configured for automatic retry or latch-off when an overcurrent fault occurs. The ADM1275-2 is available in a 16-lead QSOP with latch-off mode only.


Controls supply voltages from 2 V to 20 V

370 ns response time to short circuit

Resistor-programmable 5 mV to 25 mV current limit

±1% accurate, 12-bit ADC for current, VIN/VOUT readback

Charge-pumped gate drive for multiple external N-channel FETs

High gate drive voltage to ensure lowest RDSON

Foldback for tighter FET SOA protection

Automatic retry or latch-off on current fault

Programmable current limit timer for SOA

Programmable, multifunction GPOs

Power-good status output

Analog UV and OV protection

ENABLE pin (ADM1275-3 only)

Peak detect registers for current and voltage

PMBus fast mode compliant interface

16-lead QSOP and 20-lead QSOP and LFCSP


Power monitoring and control/power budgeting

Central office equipment

Telecommunication and data communication equipment






     The EVAL-ADM127xEBZ is a compact full feature evaluation board for the ADM1275-1ACPZ, ADM1275-3ACPZ, and ADM1276-3ACPZ devices. The elaborated layout gives users a clear visual of all the peripheral components and the hot-swap power path. The layout also maximizes the board’s ability to dissipate heat for some of the key components on the power path, allowing the evaluation of very high current hot-swap setups.

     Three sense-resistor slots and six multipackage FET slots give users great flexibility and allow them to simulate a wide range of application setups.

     Multiple test points allow easy access to all critical points/pins. Six LEDs give users direct visual indication on variations in the board status, such as supply input, output, IC power good output, latch output, and GPO outputs. Six ADT75 digital temperature sensors on the back of the board allow users to obtain the board’s thermal data through an I2C bus in real time.

     The kit supports I2C communication, allowing users to communicate with the ADM1275/ADM1276 and the ADT75. The evaluation kit also supports cascade setup so multiple evaluation boards can be connected together and share the same I2C bus.

     The boards are fully compatible with the ADM1275/ADM1276 evaluation software tool, which can be downloaded at:

     Note that users may need the USB-to-I2C dongle, USB-SMBUS-CABLEZ, to use the evaluation software tools.
The standard evaluation kit is prepopulated and tested with a 12 V, 60 A hot-swap design capable of working with a 4.7 mF output capacitor.

     Complete specifications for the ADM1275 and the ADM1276 are available in the ADM1275 and the ADM1276 data sheets available from Analog Devices and should be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation boards.


Full functions support evaluation kit for the ADM1275 and the ADM1276

Supports LFCSP device package

Populated and tested with 12 V, 60 A, 4.7 mF design

Capable of evaluating high current designs for over 100 A

Special NMOSFET footprint suits different packages

Supports up to 3 sense resistors in parallel

Supports up to 6 FETs in parallel

LED indicated status outputs

Wild input voltage range of up to 20 V

Allows separate VCC and VIN for low voltage sensing

6 on-board ADT75 accurate temperature sensors

Supports cascade setup for multiple boards

Toggle and push-button switch for easy input control

PMBus communication support




图7.评估板EVAL-ADM127xEBZ PCB布局图

关键字:电源管理  热插拔  ADC 编辑:探路者 引用地址:ADIADM12752V-20V热插拔控制方案


推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-18 16:30

中国,北京 — 2019年4月2日 —Maxim Integrated Products, Inc (NASDAQ: MXIM) 推出超小尺寸MAX20049电源管理IC,该IC在微小封装内集成了4路电源,帮助设计者轻松应对汽车摄像模块的小型化发展需求。该器件不仅是尺寸最小的汽车摄像模块专用电源管理IC,还拥有当前市场最高效率。MAX20049支持宽压输出范围,同时可通过故障指示和输出电压偏移帮助缓解故障的发生。 汽车摄像模块正在受到越来越严格的尺寸限制,设计者需要不断寻求新的方案,以便将必要的供电电源、系统功能集成在微小尺寸内。与竞争方案相比,MAX20049 四通道电源管理IC尺寸缩小近30%,且在同类四通道电源管理IC中
Maxim发布四通道<font color='red'>电源管理</font>IC,为汽车摄像模块提供最紧凑解决方案
“清华系”高性能模数转换器芯片公司 智毅聚芯完成融资
近日,智毅聚芯微电子技术(天津)有限公司(以下简称“智毅聚芯”)完成PreA+轮融资,该轮融资由祥晖资本和老股东启迪之星联、合领投,老股东清研陆石持续跟投。 智毅聚芯此前已完成多轮融资,投资方包括启迪之星、祥晖资本、中芯聚源投资等。 智毅聚芯官网显示,公司成立于2018年,孵化自清华大学电子系和清华大学天津电子信息研究院,研发团队均拥有10年以上工业界芯片设计和量产经验,专注于高性能数据转换器数模/模数转换器产品的研发与销售。 据“大家祥驰”消息,智毅聚芯团队始终坚持对高性能转换器芯片的正向设计,希望打破国外长期垄断,实现高性能转换器芯片的国产化和产业化。 祥晖资本合伙人刘林表示,目前工业控制、5G通讯、医疗设备等多个领域已经对
“清华系”高性能<font color='red'>模数转换器</font>芯片公司 智毅聚芯完成融资
在1个由89C51单片机与1片ADC0809组成的数据采集系统中,ADC0809的8个输入通道的地址为7FF8H~7FFFH,试画出有关接口电路图,并编写出每隔1分钟轮流采集1次8个通道数据的程序,共采样50次,其采样值存入内RAM20H单元开始的存储区中。 图片1 参考程序如下: 0~7通道地址:fef8h~feffh ORG 000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0003H LJMP I_INT0 ORG 000BH LJMP I_T0 ORG 050H MAIN: MOV
89C51单片机与1片<font color='red'>ADC</font>0809组成的数据采集系统编程实例
过去几年,各大公司都做出了相当大的努力,目标是让一些持续供电和无电池型系统能够利用自然能工作。开发这种系统所需的关键集成电路 (IC) 是超低功耗微处理器、无线电器件和电源管理 IC。尽管我们在低功耗微处理器和无线电器件方面已经取得了相当大的进步,但适用于能源采集应用的一些电源管理 IC 只到最近才出现在市场上。本文将简单介绍一些可用自然能源,之后将详细讨论为这些能源选择 PMIC 时需要考虑的因素。 自然能电源广义上可划分为直流 (DC) 电源和交流 (AC) 电源。DC 电源包括采集自各种能源的采集能量,它们随光照强度和热梯度变化较慢,使用太阳能电池板和热电发电机。这些采集器的输出电压不必经过整流。AC 集成器包括使用压电
适用于能量采集应用的<font color='red'>电源管理</font>架构
技术进步        由于更高的集成度、更快的处理器运行速度以及更低的价格目标,针对数字电视、线缆调制解调器以及机顶盒的负载点(POL)处理器电源设计变得越来越具挑战性。多年来,随着集成度的提高和工艺技术的进步,设计旨在用于消费类电子应用的数字处理器和模拟ASIC受益匪浅。现在,工艺技术的进步也可用于现成的负载点电源管理电路。本文将讨论一些电源管理设计所面临的挑战,如:选择最佳的输出电容、解决排序问题以及最少化部件数量等问题。为了解决这些问题,通过利用可保持系统低成本的电源管理器件工艺技术的进步,TI开发出了一款新型双通道、降压DC/DC转换器。现在只需要电源设计的基础知识就可以设计出一款高性能电源,从而使设计师将主要精力放在其
摘要:   随着极低功率传感器、微控制器和射频 (RF) 收发器的易用性和性能的不断提升,采用能量收集技术来专门供电或作为补充供电方式的无线传感器网络越来越接近现实。超低功率无线协议已开始逐步被业界所广泛接纳,而且相关的标准也在积极的制定之中。摆脱了交流电源或电池电源束缚的传感器网络为实现更大的灵活性、更低的维护成本、更高的安全性以及广泛的普及提供了可能性。仅仅几年之前还无法想象的应用如今凭借能量收集技术将有望成为现实。新涌现的电源管理产品能够将各种能量收集换能器 (TEG、光伏、压电、磁) 的使用不便、断断续续而且常常微乎其微的输出转换为适合当今电子产品的可用电平。然而,对于这些电源管理器件,需要一种新的规格拟订、分析和设计
针对能量收集型无线远程传感器网络的实用<font color='red'>电源管理</font>设计考虑
时钟和电源管理模块由三部分组成:时钟控制,USB 控制和电源控制。 S3C2440A 中的时钟控制逻辑可以产生必须的时钟信号,包括CPU 的FCLK,AHB 总线外设的HCLK 以及APB 总线外设的PCLK。S3C2440A 包含两个锁相环(PLL):一个提供给FCLK、HCLK 和PCLK,另一个专用于USB 模块(48MHz)。时钟控制逻辑可以不使用PLL 来减慢时钟,并且可以由软件连接或断开各外设模块的时钟,以降低功耗。 关于电源控制逻辑,S3C2440A 包含了各种电源管理方案来保证对给定任务的最佳功耗。S3C2440A 中的电源管理模块可以激活成四种模式:正常(NORMAL)模式、慢速(SLOW)模式、空闲(ID
    摘要: AD974是美国模拟器件公司生产的第一个200kSPS、4通道、16位数据采集系统。具有高通过率、低功耗、高精度等特性,此外,该器件还集成了外围器件,并采用串行通讯方式,因而可极大地简化数据采集电路的设计,非常适合于体积小、信号复杂的应用系统,如工业控制、医疗仪器等。本文介绍了AD974的特点,结构及应用设计。     关键词: ADC  串行接口  通过率  AD974     AD974是一个四通道、16位串行通讯数据采集模数转换器。该器件内含模拟输入多路转换器、高速16位采样模数转换器和+2.5V参考电压。 1 内部结构及引脚     AD974的内部功能框图如图1所示。该芯片有
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