触摸检测到按键按下调用流程 :TSL_Action -> TSL_SCKEY_P1_Acquisition() -> TSL_IO_Acquisition() -> TSL_SCKey_Process() -> TSL_SCKey_DetectedTreatment() ,其中TSL_Action ()和TSL_SCKey_Process() 还有其他的状态变化和处理。
TSL_IO_Acquisition() 函数为充放电时间检测函数,其中最重要的变量应该是充放电时间和检测到超过预设范围的次数,函数外部会用到,分别为FinalMeasurementValue和RejectionCounter。
void TSL_IO_SW_Burst_Wait_Vil(void)//只看IAR编译器的内容
#if defined(_COSMIC_)
#elif defined(_IAR_)
__asm("ld a, S:AcquisitionBitMask"); //将AcquisitionBitMask放到a中
__asm("ldw x, S:sTouchIO"); // 将sTouchIO放到x中 装载字(16位)
__asm("incw x"); //增加一个字
// Loop = 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 cycles = 8 cycles
// To be sure that the loop last 8 cycles the first instruction must be a 1-byte instruction
// This is to be sure it is fully fetched in 1 cycle. The second instruction must be shorter than 4 bytes.
// If this not the case, the code must be aligned.
__asm("bcp a, (x)"); // 1 cycles 逻辑比较
__asm("jreq ??EndWaitForVil"); //跳转到EndWaitForVil处
__asm("ldw y, TIMACQ_CNTR"); // 2 cycles; hw counter also used for timeout ...
__asm("cpw y, #0x0E00"); // 2 cycles; Timeout compare 字数值比较
__asm("jrult ??WaitForVil");
#else //_RAISONANCE_
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