FAN6920MR: mWSaver™ Technology Integrated Critical-Mode PFC and Quasi-Resonant Current-Mode PWM Controller
Factor Correction (PFC) controller and quasi-resonant PWM controller. Integration provides cost-effective design and reduces external components.
For PFC, FAN6920MR uses a controlled on-time technique to provide a regulated DC output voltage and to perform natural power-factor correction. With an innovative THD optimizer, FAN6920MR can reduce input current distortion at zero-crossing duration to
improve THD performance.
For PWM, FAN6920MR provides several functions to enhance the power system performance: valley detection, green-mode operation, and high / low line over-power compensation. Protection functions include secondary-side open-loop and over-current with autorecovery protection; external auto-recovery triggering; adjustable over-temperature protection by RT pin; and external NTC resistor, internal over-temperature shutdown, VDD pin OVP, and DET pin over-voltage for output OVP, and brown-in / out for AC input voltage UVP.
The FAN6920MR controller is available in a 16-pin small-outline package (SOP).
Integrated PFC and Flyback Controller
Critical-Mode PFC Controller
Zero-Current Detection for PFC Stage
Quasi-Resonant Operation for PWM Stage
Internal Minimum 5μs tOFF for QR PWM Stage
Internal 5ms Soft-Start for PWM
Brownout Protection
High / Low Line Over-Power Compensation
Auto-Recovery Over-Current Protection
Auto-Recovery Open-Loop Protection
Externally Auto-Recovery Triggering (RT Pin)
Adjustable Over-Temperature Protection
VDD Pin and Output Voltage OVP (Auto-Recovery)
Internal Over-Temperature Shutdown (140°C)
AC/DC NB Adapters
Open-Frame SMPS
Battery Charger
图4. 设计案例布局考虑
推荐阅读最新更新时间:2023-10-18 15:36
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