The NCV8855 is a multiple output controller / regulator IC with an integrated high−side load switch. The NCV8855 addresses automotive radio system and instrument cluster power supply requirements. In addition to the high−side load switch, the NCV8855 includes a switch−mode power supply (SMPS) buck controller, a 2.5 A SMPS buck regulator and two low dropout (LDO) linear regulator controllers. The NCV8855 in combination with the ultra−low quiescent current NCV861x IC forms an eight−output automotive radio or instrument cluster power solution. The NCV8855 has an internally set switching frequency of 170 kHz, with a SYNC pin for external frequency synchronization.
The NCV8855 is intended to supply power to various loads, such as a tuner, CD logic, audio processor and CD / tape control within a car radio. The high−side switch can be used for a CD / tape mechanism or switching an electrically−powered antenna or display unit. In an instrument cluster application, the NCV8855 can be used to power graphics display, flash memory and CAN transceivers. In addition, the high−side switch can be used to limit power to a TFT display during a battery over−voltage condition.
• < 1 uA Shutdown Current
• Meets ES−XW7T−1A278−AB Test Pulse G – Loaded Conditions
• VIN Operating Range 9.0 to 18.0 V
• 1 SMPS Controller with Adjustable Current Limit
• 1 SMPS Regulator with Internal 300 m NMOS Switch
• 2 LDO Controllers with Current Limit and Short Circuit Protection
• 1 High−side Load Switch with Internal 300 m NMOS FET
• Adjustable Output Voltage for All Controllers / Regulators
• 800 mV, +/-1% Reference Voltage
• System Enable Pin
• Single Enable Pin for Both LDO Controllers
• Independent Enable for High−side Load Switch
• Thermal Shutdown with Thermal Warning Indicator
• This is a Pb−Free Device
• Automotive Radio
• Instrument Cluster, Driver Information System (DIS)
图1. NCV8855应用电路/方框图
图2. NCV8855和NCV8612汽车无线电系统框图
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