U8 idx;
Uart_Printf("\nPlease select function : \n");
for(i=0; CmdTip[i].fun!=0; i++)
Uart_Printf("%d : %s\n", i, CmdTip[i].tip);
idx = Uart_GetIntNum_GJ() ;
Uart_Init( 0,115200 );
struct { void (*fun)(void); char *tip; }CmdTip[] = { { Temp_function, "Please input 1-11 to select test" } , { BUZZER_PWM_Test, "Test PWM" } , { RTC_Display, "RTC time display" } , { Test_Adc, "Test ADC" } , { KeyScan_Test, "Test interrupt and key scan" } , { Test_Touchpanel, "Test Touchpanel" } , { Lcd_TFT_Test, "Test TFT LCD" } , { Test_Iic, "Test IIC EEPROM" } , { PlayMusicTest, "UDA1341 play music" } , { RecordTest, "UDA1341 record voice" } , { Test_SDI, "Test SD Card" } , { Camera_Test, "Test CMOS Camera"}, { 0, 0} };
void Temp_function() { Uart_Printf("\nPlease input 1-11 to select test!!!\n"); }
蜂鸣器测试 ****************************************************************************/ void BUZZER_PWM_Test( void ) { U16 freq =800;// lci 1000 ; Uart_Printf( "\nBUZZER TEST ( PWM Control )\n" ); Uart_Printf( "Press +/- to increase/reduce the frequency of BUZZER !\n" ) ; Uart_Printf( "Press 'ESC' key to Exit this program !\n\n" ); Buzzer_Freq_Set( freq ) ;
void Buzzer_Freq_Set( U32 freq ) { //使用Timer0 rGPBCON &= ~3; //set GPB0=10 as tout0, pwm output rGPBCON |= 2; rTCFG0 &= ~0xff; rTCFG0 |= 15; //prescaler = 15+1 rTCFG1 &= ~0xf; rTCFG1 |= 2; //Timer0 mux = 1/8 rTCNTB0 = (PCLK>>7)/freq; //FCLK = 400M HCLK = 100M PCLK = 50M rTCMPB0 = rTCNTB0>>1; // 50% rTCON &= ~0x1f; rTCON |= 0xb; // 0 , 1 0 1 1 //disable deadzone, auto-reload, inv-off, update TCNTB0&TCMPB0, start timer 0 rTCON &= ~2; //clear manual update bit } 如何才能得到精确的定时呢?那就要靠TCFG0和TCFG1这两个寄存器来配置定时器的频率,即要确定TCNTOn每递减一个数所需要的时间,它们之间是倒数的关系。具体的计算公式为:
定时器输出时钟频率=PCLK ÷ (prescaler+1) ÷ divider
注:为什么程序里rTCNTB0 = (PCLK>>7)/freq;要移7位,因为移7位就等于PCLK/0x80,即PCLK>>7等效于 50000000/(15+1)/8=390625HZ,设完成一次PWM所需要的时间为t,则t/T= TCNTOn=rTCNTB0,计算得t=1000/freq(ms) 用示波器验证:freq = 10时,一个脉冲周期为100ms,高低电平各50ms,freq=800时,一个脉冲周期为1.25ms
rTCMPB0 = rTCNTB0>>1;又是怎么理解的呢?该句等效于rTCMPB0 = rTCNTB0/2.就是说计数一半了翻转。 那么究竟是高变低还是低变高呢。我改成了rTCMPB0 = rTCNTB0>>2;就是除4了,用示波器一看,明白了,高电平占用了1/4,低电平占用了3/4,总结如下:高电平到了rTCMPB0 就翻转成低电平直到下一个脉冲周期开始才翻转回高电平。
rTCNTB0决定了PWM脉冲周期,rTCMPB0 决定占空比。
我们得到每递减一个数所需要的时间后,根据PWM输出波形要求,就可以计算出TCMPBN和TCNTBN的值,得到所需要的波形。 ******************************************************************/ while( 1 ) { U8 key = Uart_Getch(); if( key == '+' ) { if( freq < 2000 ) //lci 20000 freq += 10 ; Buzzer_Freq_Set( freq ) ; } if( key == '-' ) { if( freq > 11 ) freq -= 10 ; Buzzer_Freq_Set( freq ) ; } Uart_Printf( "\tFreq = %d\n", freq ) ; if( key == ESC_KEY ) { Buzzer_Stop() ;
void Buzzer_Stop( void ) { rGPBCON &= ~3; //set GPB0 as output rGPBCON |= 1; rGPBDAT &= ~1; }
***********************************************/ return ; } }
上一篇:S3C2440 测试程序(二)RTC显示实验
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